Life's Adventures and the Consequences of Disobedience
Topic: Family

Ah yes! It's been one of those days. We were up early because this was the first day of Upward Flag Football. It wasn't that we had to be up early, mind you. Our game wasn't until 10am. It wasn't even that we wanted to be up early. I had every intention of sleeping in until at least 8 or maybe even 8:30. You must remember that we have an interesting creature living in our household. A creature named Joshua. Joshua is our aspergers (autism spectrum) child and has been going through a difficult time of it recently. He has been on medication for a few years and just switched medicines. He went from one family of medications to another and it has not been working well. Nothing major, he has just been off the wall. Talks continuously, has no attention span, laughs at inappropriate things. Needless to say, a doctors visit is in order for this coming week. Anyway, another reaction to this new medicine is waking up way too early. Hence the no sleeping in part.
Well, after the big first game (he did great) we came home for a short rest before we went out to a benefit fund raiser for a local charity that we work closely with. Only, we never made it to the benefit. Joshua, in his exuberance from the earlier game, decided that he wanted to go over to the next door neighbor's house to play football with one of his friends. However, he wasn't supposed to leave the yard. So, I sent John Allen over to get him only to have Jacob tag along with big brother. A few minutes later a screaming four year old comes running into the mission where I was working. He had fallen into the neighbor's cactus guessed it...his hands were full of needles. Forty-five minutes of screaming and tweezer picking made us realize that our feeble efforts were not working. Off to the hospital went Sarah, Jacob and big brother John Allen while I stayed home with the very repentant Joshua. It's amazing what one of those magnifying eye pieces can do. The doctor had the rest of the needles out in short order and Jacob called me on Mommy's phone to tell me four words, "I feel better now" before handing the phone to Sarah and getting back to his popsicle.
A trip to the McDonald's play place was in order for all of us. Sarah and I needed the kids to run off steam, Jacob needed to celebrate hands that feel better, John Allen needed a reward for standing by Jacob in need, and Joshua needed to know that his brothers still loved him. It was a lesson well learned as to what can happen when you disobey.
So, tomorrow's another day. Up early for church, the mission in the afternoon, then church again in the evening. Intermingled, of course, with life's adventures!
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