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Families Again
Saturday, 7 August 2010
On The Road Again...No not us...read on to see who though!
Mood:  a-ok
Topic: BCM International

Two or three times a year, our umbrella mission, BCM International, publishes a magazine called BCM World. It's a great magazine edited by Jeanette Windle, the wife of BCM's president. A nationally acclaimed Christian writer, Jeanette has written many fantastic Christian suspense novels such as Crossfire and The DMZ. She also wrote the following article on what missionary travel is like for so many who work on foreign mission fields. Because of copyright issues, I can only print the first paragraph and then give you the link to the online article. Please click through. The ending is worth it all.

The pilot’s arrival at the gravel airstrip, lying flat and groaning in the back of an army jeep, had not been an auspicious beginning. Now, packed with eight others into a military prop plane intended for six, the young foreigner cowered in the copilot’s seat as the aircraft wobbled erratically through the clouds.  Still celebrating last night’s fiesta, the pilot sang at the top of his lungs, occasionally emphasizing the beat with a shove on the throttle. Periodically, he pounded on the dashboard, trying to shake the altimeter and compass into use. His girlfriend, without a seat, leaned over the young foreigner’s shoulder, whispering drunken caresses into the pilot’s ear.

To read the rest of the article please click here.

Auto-to-airplane transfer stunt: Daytona Beach, Florida


Okay, Okay, maybe missionary travel isn't quite like this, but it is exciting nonetheless!

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Posted by tink38570 at 10:55 PM CDT
Updated: Saturday, 7 August 2010 11:10 PM CDT
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Friday, 6 August 2010
I'm Going Crazy and It's All Penny's Fault!
Mood:  irritated
Topic: General

Who's Penny and why is it all her fault? She was my First Mate from last year and managed to get me through my first year on The Old Schoolhoolhouse Homeschool Crew. Now we are fellow First Mates on the crew and I have found out what extra responsibilities FM's have. Like having to write the intro post for some of the products that the crew is reviewing. One of her assignments is for a math game called Pyramath that we are about to receive in the mail. She happened to mention that there is an online version of the game so that you can try it out before buying. Well, I tried it out, and I'm hooked. It's driving me batty! I can't seem to stop playing it. Here's what it looks like:

Pyramath really is a lot of fun. It has to be if I'm writing the little pre-review. I don't do that for many products. To find the online game just click here. Have fun!


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Posted by tink38570 at 10:21 PM CDT
Updated: Saturday, 7 August 2010 1:57 AM CDT
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Thursday, 5 August 2010
I Curse the Day I Decided to Homeschool!
Mood:  don't ask
Topic: The Kids
'Fear' from 'The Expression of Emotions in Man and Animals' London 1872.  Charles Darwin (1809-1882)

Not really, but it got you to look didn't it?!?

Really, though, this year of planning is driving me up the wall! We have always been very eclectic in our homeschooling. We have never gone with just one canned curriculum that covered all subjects. We pick our subjects depending on the strengths and weaknesses of our children and of a particular curriculum. For example, John Allen does wonderful with reading good "living books" for history. He has learned some much from reading good historical novels and discussing them than he would ever have from reading some boring historical textbook. Joshua, on the other hand, requires a little more structure and flourishes with hands on things.  

Well, anyway, this year is no different. We are picking a very eclectic mix of curriculum and subjects. This time, however, to save money, I've chosen to put together John Allen's World History curriculum myself. So, I've looked at some book lists from some good World History curriculum and I have most of his books picked out. I also have some lapbooks and unit studies chosen to supplement the books. But, putting it all down on paper and writing down when he should read this and when he should do that is driving me up the wall. Before, I always had a teachers book that told me what to assign to him and what to tell him to do. We never did it all and often did other things that complimented the study as well, but at least we had a guide. This time around I have to figure it all out myself. AHHHHHH!

Then, if that isn't bad enough, I bought a Spanish textbook at a library sale. John Allen has wanted to learn Spanish for a long time. The textbook had a pronunciation CD with it that went corresponded with each chapter so I thought it would be great. After looking at the book I saw that it also had a great on-line website with flashcards, practice quizzes and more. The only problem was that I didn't look close enough at the book. I thought it covered things a little more quickly than what I remembered in high school, but I wasn't ready for the surprise when I finally realized it was a COLLEGE textbook! So, I'm trying to divide it into bite size bits and stretching it out to fill up a year instead of a semester. John Allen doesn't know that it's a college textbook and I'm not telling him! It's going to be an interesting year.

BUT, that's not all! He's also decided he wants to continue with Latin again this year. He has taken Latin off and on all three years that we have homeschooled, but last year, instead of doing regular Latin, we just studied Latin and Greek roots. This year he wants to really study Latin again. So, a high school Latin curriculum is ordered. These, along with, physical science and pre-algebra/algebra should make for a challenging year for him...and me!

Joshua is going to be a little easier. The Download-N-Go curriculum that we are reviewing this year covers a lot of science and social studies in a fun and interesting way. We are going to continue with Rocket Phonics and McGuffey Readers for reading and keep using Language Smarts for language. Wrapping it all up will be Math Mammoth this year. So he is set without a lot of planning.

Jacob is even going to join in this year as we begin phonics and more math with him, so he will be like his big brothers.

Call me crazy? Maybe I am, but I enjoy it. Just pray for my sanity. As the old movie line says "get ready for a bumpy ride"!

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Posted by tink38570 at 10:49 PM CDT
Updated: Thursday, 5 August 2010 11:44 PM CDT
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Wednesday, 4 August 2010
It's Time for Another Blog Hop...err... Walk...err... Whatever!
Mood:  happy
Topic: TOS Crew Blog Hop

I hope that you are all checking out these great TOS Crew blogs. They are really great. I am a bit behind in my blog hopping because of my blog problems, but I will be visiting each and every blog soon. This week we begin with the First Mate blogs. The First Mates are all folks that have been on the crew for more than one year. This is either their second or third year on the crew. Mine will be coming up soon! I'll let you know.

1. Closing Time
2. One Blessed Mamma
3. El Cloud Homeschool: Busy Minds, Busy Hands, Busy Feet
4. Alive in Spirit
5. Ozark Rumblings
6. Army of 5
7. Fenced In Family
8. Debbie's Digest
9. Footprints in the Butter
10. Got Chai?

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Posted by tink38570 at 9:39 PM CDT
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Tuesday, 3 August 2010
I Feel Like I'm Playing Tag!
Mood:  chillin'
Topic: General

Schoolplein in 1934 / Schoolyard, 1934 

I'm the good looking one on the far right Cool! 

Well, hopefully I got my blog fixed. For how long I have no idea. Since Families Again has been down for a couple of days, and since I have not idea what might happen next, I thought I would try to play to play catch up on a few things really fast.

  1. First, I'm not going to put out a new Men's Monday Meme this week. No one has responded to the last one Cry, so I am just going to leave the same question up for another week. I'm sure it's just the summer heat and the getting ready for back to school that's keeping everyone from joining in Laughing.
  2. With all of these blog problems, I'm really thinking about changing blog platforms. I'm not doing it yet, and I'm not sure I will do it at all, but if I do, I will give you plenty of warning so that you can find the new blog. I will probably double post for a couple of weeks so that you all will have a chance to switch over, etc. Like I said, I'm not sure I even will yet, but I'm thinking about it.
  3. Whether I switch or not, I have a couple of really exciting announcements to make in the near future. One I will make tonight in point number four! So, what is it? Here it is Wink.
  4. I am now, not only reviewing homeschool products for the TOS Homeschool Crew, but I am also reviewing Download-N-Go Unit Studies by Amanda Bennett! I am really excited about this, because Joshua especially likes these studies, and, perhaps the best part, for every study I review, I get to GIVE ONE AWAY! Now that's really exciting!
  5. Just a small note. You may have noticed that my Money post that I wrote last Sunday was gone for a little while. I had posted it right before my blog went down and thought that it might be the cause of my problems. Well, it wasn't. But I didn't know that. I just reposted it. If you haven't read it yet, please do. I have begun a new category for it called "The Purple Files". If you see a post where "The Purple Files" is the category, you can be assured that it is from the heart, and I have sought God's leading in it - hence the color purple for royalty - God. I hope to insert a "Purple File" post in once a week or so. I feel like that in recent months I have been pulled away from my what I really began my blog for - to share my heart and to allow God to use my blog to help my family and others. I enjoy doing the reviews that I do, but I want God to be central in my blog, and hopefully "The Purple Files" will be a way for that to happen.

That's it for now. Thanks for putting up with all of my blog problems, and, if you would, please pray for God to lead me in what to do, whether to change my blog platform or not.



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Posted by tink38570 at 10:26 PM CDT
Updated: Tuesday, 3 August 2010 10:46 PM CDT
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