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Families Again
Sunday, 25 December 2011
I'm Playing With My New Toy
Topic: Affiliates

Yes, I indeed wrote the following all using my new Dragon - Naturally Speaking program. I know this is a cheesy post, but I really wanted to play with this new toy! Check it out by clicking here - Dragon NaturallySpeaking Home, Version 11. In all fairness though, I must tell you that I am an Amazon affiliate and if you click on the picture or the on the link, it will take you to the Amazon website and I will earn a small percentage if you buy anything. 

I hope you all had a very Merry Christmas and had an enjoyable day with your family. I sure did. First we read the Christmas story out of the Gospel of Luke and opened up presents at our house. Then, we went over the river and through the woods to grandmother's house where we had dinner and opened up more gifts.

I was very blessed this Christmas. I am really enjoying the new toy that I received. If you never had one you really need to look into it. It's called Dragon Naturally Speaking. Dragon Naturally Speaking is a voice recognition system that allows you to dictate and it will type the words for you. This is really going to come in handy during the next year since I plan on blogging every day. All I have to do is put on my headset, talk into the microphone, and voilà my words appear on the paper. In fact, I'm using it right now. What fun.

Well, again, I hope that you have a wonderful Christmas and don't forget what the real meaning of Christmas is, to celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

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Posted by tink38570 at 8:17 PM CST
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Friday, 25 November 2011
Forget Black Friday! Shop Here from Home!
Topic: Affiliates

So, are you worn out from your Black Friday shopping?

Did you not get everything you wanted?

Could you not find that gift for the "person who has everything"?

Have you sworn yourself off of Black Friday forever?

Well, never fear, Tim is here. You all know that I preview all of my affiliates and recommended companies ahead of time to make sure that they are family friendly. Well, I have found some family friendly companies and deals for you. I'll list my affiliates today so that you know which links I will profit from if you buy from them, and then I'll list some other recommended links in the days to come. There's going to be a lot of great sales going on this month, so keep checking back.


This is one of my favorite companies of all time. I love Vision Forum! Click on the above banner to find out why.


I love JM Cremps. It is run by a Christian family that has five boys. So, they know what works for boys and what doesn't work for boys. There selection of merchandaise proves that. Check out their website by clicking on the banner above. Right now they are having a great sale on stocking stuffers as well as other things.

I have grown to love The Old Schoolhouse (TOS) family and I'm not just saying that because I'm on the TOS Homeschool Crew. In fact it's because I work with them that I can truthfully tell you that they are run by some of the nicest folks around. They are having a great Black Friday/Cyber Monday sale going on right now. Click on the banner to check it out.

Buy ClickN READ Phonics & Get 50% off ClickN SPELL Use Code:holidaybogo $25 Value! exp. 11/30/10

We found Click N Read a few years when Joshua was just learning to read. It's a great program. This may not seem like a typical Black Friday/Cyber Monday item, but...why not? Click N Read is a really fun game that also teaches you to read. Click on one of the banners above to find out more about it. The second link/banner takes you to a special deal that they are having until the end of this month.


The above banner talks about Teaching your children the Bible. That is an important part of Nest Entertainment, but it is much more. They have Christian games and toys, videos, movies. Click on the banner to find out.


Although Currclick is a company that primarily deals with curriculum (currclick), they have a lot more. AND, they are going to be having a great Cyber Monday sale as well as the sales they have going on right now. Click the banner to find out what's going on.

This really isn't an affiliate, but it is something that a member of my family will benefit from. Click on the wreath above to find out about the great aromatic, Maine balsom fir, wreaths that John Allen is selling. At checkout, click on John Allen's name in the provided drop down box.

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Posted by tink38570 at 3:55 PM CST
Updated: Friday, 25 November 2011 3:57 PM CST
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Tuesday, 25 October 2011
Do You Have Boys? This is for You!
Mood:  happy
Topic: Affiliates

I found out about this company a couple of months ago and I am really impressed with it. It's a company that is all about boys! Now, with three boys living in our house, this company was made for our family!

We've been looking for things that would get the kids from in front of the TV, game system or computer screens. The things on the JM Cremp's website will inspire their imagination in ways that an XBox game never could.

JM Cremp's has everything. Games, books, outside toys, clothes...you name it and they have it. And it's all for boys! No girls allowed! Oh, I guess if you have an adventurous girl then she may find some of these things interesting as well.

This company was started by a family with five boys. In fact, the name JM Cremp's comes from the initials of the parents and their sons. A family with five sons has got to know what appeals to boys.

Check out their website by clicking on the above banner. I know you won't be disappointed.

In full disclosure, I am an affiliate for JM Cremp's so, if you click on the banner and buy something I will receive a commission. I do believe in the companies that I affiliate with, though, and do not choose companies just as a way to make money.

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Posted by tink38570 at 1:15 PM CDT
Updated: Tuesday, 25 October 2011 1:26 PM CDT
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Saturday, 22 October 2011
Free Homeschool Items from CurrClick!
Mood:  incredulous
Topic: Affiliates

CurrClick is having a great fall sale including eight great freebees! Click on the banner below for more information. Hurry! The sale ends October 31!


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Posted by tink38570 at 9:29 PM CDT
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Saturday, 12 March 2011
All Right All You Homeschoolers Out There!
Mood:  a-ok
Topic: Affiliates


I know that winter is over and spring has sprung in many areas of the country. Spring is a time when God breaths new life into His great creation. However, how is your homeschooling going? Do you need to breath new life into that?

I know that spring is not the time for you to go out and spend lots of money for curriculum to be used this year. All of your money is probably budgeted for next year.

But there is still a way to get some exciting unit studies, book studies and more for little to no money at all! It's on Currclick! If you have never been on Currclick you have got to go. There are all sorts of resources that you can buy and many that are free. Just click on the banner above for more information.

I feel I must tell you, though, that I am a Currclick affiliate and if you click through to the website using the banner, and end up buying something, I will earn a small commission. If you do, thanks ahead of time.

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Posted by tink38570 at 10:07 PM CST
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