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Families Again
Wednesday, 27 July 2011
Get A Free Online Issue of The Old Schoolhouse Magazine!
Mood:  a-ok
Topic: FamiliesAgain Freebies
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BC Cover
Summer 2011 - Free Gift Issue

You've all heard me talk about The Old Schoolhouse before. They are a great company! So great that I even kind of work for them on the TOS Homeschool Crew. Not only are they a great company but they have a great magazine as well. If you're like me, you hate to spend money on something that you don't really know anything about. I like to look over things before I pay out the cash, especially in this economy (don't get me started Smiley). Anyway, TOS has just announced a promotion where you can get a digital copy of their summer issue for FREE Smiley! Just click on the link above to find out all about it. I know you'll like it! Happy Reading!

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Posted by tink38570 at 10:54 PM CDT
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Wednesday, 14 July 2010
Let's Take a Trip to Gutenburg!
Mood:  a-ok
Topic: FamiliesAgain Freebies

Actually I'm not talking about Gutenberg, Germany, nor even about the famous Gutenberg Bible. I'm talking about Project Gutenberg. Project Gutenberg was started in 1971 and now encourages the free distibution of good reading material through ebooks. You wouldn't believe how many famous works of literature that you can actually get for free. Project Gutenberg has thousands and thousands of titles that you can download free of charge. Just click on the banner above to see all of the great titles that you can get! I just downloaded a G. A. Henty book that would cost me around $20 to buy from a book distributer that sells his works. Of course it's not going to have the pretty binding, and you will have to either print it out and put it in a notebook, or read it off of your computer. But, if you aren't bothered by that then this is the place for you! I love it and plan on using it for a lot of homeschooling this year. For all of you homeschoolers out there, it's amazing how many resources that you can find on the internet that are free of charge. I wonder how much I will actually spend this year for homeschool? Hmmm?!? I'll have to let you know!


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Posted by tink38570 at 11:26 PM CDT
Updated: Wednesday, 14 July 2010 11:30 PM CDT
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Saturday, 26 June 2010
Wondering What Homeschooling is All About? Check out these Freebies!
Mood:  a-ok
Topic: FamiliesAgain Freebies

I began FamiliesAgain Freebies several months ago because I was hoping to get some free things to pass on to all of my readers. Well, if you have been reading for a while, you know that I haven't passed on too many things. Today, I checked my email and found that the great folks at The Old Schoolhouse - TOS were offering some freebies this summer and wanted us to let you all know about them. So, this summer, I'm going to be hi-lighting a couple of things one day a week. I'm going to try to keep with a theme each time. This weeks theme is -

What is homeschooling all about and what about public schools? 

TOS has two great freebies that talk about just that. The first is a small pamphlet called:

What About Public School? is a discussion between TOS' founder Gena Suarez and three authors about why they think Public Schools should not be an option for Christian kids. When you print this out, it may look a little funny because it was meant to be printed as a front and back tri-fold pamphlet. If you are a homeschooler looking for homeschool information to pass on to your friends, you are welcome to print it out and pass it around free of charge. If you are new to homeschooling or are exploring, hopefully this pamphlet will answer some of your questions. Enjoy!

Are Public Schools an Option for Christian Kids is along the same lines as the pamphlet above, but it is a whopping 64 page ebook that goes into much more detail. It is a very interesting read for those of you who are seriously delving into and praying about what kind of education is right for your child.

Enjoy this weeks freebies. Stay tuned for more next week. I would say on Saturday, but you know me and posting things on the days I'm supposed to post things on. I need an ebook on following schedules Laughing. At any rate, just be looking for some new freebies next week! Until then, Happy Reading!






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Posted by tink38570 at 10:49 PM CDT
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Wednesday, 23 June 2010
I'm About to Swag My Way to Amazon,com! Again!
Mood:  happy
Topic: FamiliesAgain Freebies

Search & Win 

I know that I've mentioned swagbucks before, but I really want to rave again about them. I have only been doing swagbucks for about two months and I already have earned $20 in Amazon gift cards. How do you win swagbucks? It's simple! All you have to do is use their toolbar to do your searches. When you search, you win. You don't always win, but you win a lot of the time, and there are various amounts that you might win. I have earned from 5 to over 25 bucks just by doing a search. And there are other ways to win as well. You can search for codes where you earn extra swagbucks. You can take surveys. There are all sorts of ways. I generally just do the searches. Every once in a while I will go on a search for special swag codes, but those are few and far between. After you earn so many bucks, you turn them in for all kinds of prizes. I have always chosen the Amazon gift cards, but you can choose hundreds if not thousands of different items, gift cards, and more at a variety of swagbuck prices. You can download their tool bar to do the searches if you would like, but you don't have to. You can just go to their site to do it. It really is easy and a lot of fun and very rewarding. Just click on the banner above to join all of the fun.

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Posted by tink38570 at 10:20 PM CDT
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Friday, 19 March 2010
You've Got To See This!
Mood:  incredulous
Topic: FamiliesAgain Freebies

OK. Now that I'm calm after last night's internet browser crash, I can tell you what that midnight post was all about.

You may have heard of webcams that show famous places such as the Eiffel Tower, but have you heard of nature cams? I found out about them a year or so ago when I got hooked on watching a female eagle sitting on her eggs. You can find nature cams for almost anything. Today Jacob and I watched an underwater cam showing Bass and other fish swimming by. Click here to find cameras from all over the world pointing at eagles, hummingbirds, bears, deer, boar, fish...almost any animal you can think of.

Our latest craze is watching Molly the Barn Owl and her husband McGee. Molly is sitting on five eggs that are due to hatch any time now. In fact, one is overdue! When I checked a few minutes ago, it still hadn't hatched, but almost 10,000 (yes, that's a one with five zeros) people were watching! McGee isn't usually there, but if you catch the live feed at just right time, you can see him bring in some grub for Molly to eat. The video that I posted last night was of Molly gulping a whole mouse down at one time.

This video shows her downing a rabbit all at once. Don't worry, the rabbit is dead, and there is no blood or guts but it may be a bit graphic for some. What's interesting is that while this was being filmed, Carlos, the great person who put up this camera equipped owl box over two years ago, was doing an online chat session with an elementary school classroom. Most of the video is just of Molly peacefully sitting on her eggs with the voices of the kids asking the questions while Carlos answers them. The kids ask some great questions, and you find out a lot of interesting information about Barn Owls. Toward the end of the video, however, at about minute 26, the action begins to liven up when Molly picks up the rabbit that she had stored away, and begins to swallow it whole.  You have to see it to believe it!

Just click on the picture below to watch the video, and, don't forget to click on the link above to watch Molly live. One word of warning, though. It could get addicting!



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Posted by tink38570 at 1:17 PM CDT
Updated: Friday, 19 March 2010 1:31 PM CDT
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