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Families Again
Friday, 23 December 2011
Shopping for Christmas is Hard Work!
Topic: Family


John Allen and I went shopping today. Sarah had done all of the shopping for the boys and for me. She had shopped online and in store. She had shopped on the way home from therapies and while out with the girls getting ready for the big meal last week. She has shopped a little for the family, and a lot for others. She has shopped until she has dropped. Making lists and checking them twice to make sure everyone got something on the list whether they were naughty or nice. She has even baked cinnamon rolls for those that we couldn't buy for. She is good hearted that way. BUT, with all of her shopping and dropping, she hasn't left me time to go out and shop for her.

So, today was the day. Oh why do I do this? Why haven't I learned that the closer to Christmas the busier the stores are. Maybe they have been this busy. I don't know. All I know is that it I'm tired. The crowd were nice, and there were no incidents, but I am tired. Sometimes I wonder if it is worth it all.

Don't get me wrong, I enjoy shopping and giving gifts. And, many of the gifts that were are buying this year are going to help us live healthier and better. We never give really extravagant gifts. Still, I have that gnawing feeling that we are just doing too much in a wrong way. Do the kids really need that toy or video? Do we, even in the name of health, need that extra kitchen gadget? Should we even be giving to each other for Christmas? What am I teaching my children?

Oh, they know that Jesus is the real reason for the season, but do we really celebrate that? What are we teaching our children?


I don't know if I am even "speaking aloud" and asking you, my readers, this question, or if I am just musing to myself. My children do see us in action at Good News Mission - the ministry that we direct. They know that Mom is often gone helping this lady or that lady (she has a vibrant ministry helping the low income ladies in our town). They lived through the weeks that led up to and the day of our Christmas Meal where we fed 400 (with a lot of help from others). They write to our Compassion International kids and love getting the letters from them.

Still, with all of this, are we teaching that Christmas is a time of giving and celebrating the birth of our Lord, Jesus Christ? Especially when I hear comments like "I don't know if I can keep myself from peeking at my gifts." or "Can't we open a gift early?". I think enough is enough. I really think that tomorrow and the rest of this holiday season we are going to focus on honoring God in all that we do. Talking abut the true meaning of Christmas. Talking about the birth of Jesus. Talking about giving more than receiving.

I don't quite know how we are going to do it, but it needs to be done. And it will be done. I need to think some on this and I'll let you know. Stay tuned for some interesting blog posts, and if you think of any ideas please shoot them my way! Thanks ahead of time.


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Posted by tink38570 at 8:22 PM CST
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Tuesday, 22 November 2011
John Allen's Cheek - Another Tinkel Injury!
Topic: Family


I posted this on Facebook, but knew that some of you don't do Facebook so wanted to post it here as well.

John Allen picked at a mole on his face about a week ago and it has progressively gotten worse.We took him to the doctor yesterday and he prescribed some antibiotics, but there was a problem with the insurance and we weren't able to pick them up until today.  He finally got started on the antibiotics antibiotics but it looks worse, so Sarah took him to the emergency room this evening. It was staph and needed to be lanced and drained. John Allen was nervous - he is a chicken like his dad :-), but made it through like a trouper and should be home soon.. According to Sarah it looked pretty bad. They took a culture to make sure that this antibiotic would work with that type of infection. Please pray that it will and that his cheek will heal without a problem.

I'll take pictures of the poor injured lad and post them later. I'll keep you all updated. Again, thanks for all of your prayers.

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Posted by tink38570 at 11:25 PM CST
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Friday, 18 November 2011
Homemade Pizza Night!
Mood:  chillin'
Topic: Family

It's homemade pizza night


in the Tinkel household!

The Pizza Dough - Made in the Bread Machine

The Ingredients

The Preparation

The Masterpiece

The Mess

The Unhappy Father Who Has to Clean Up

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Posted by tink38570 at 10:09 PM CST
Updated: Friday, 18 November 2011 10:37 PM CST
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Friday, 28 October 2011
Big South Fork Scenic Railway - A Fantastic Field Trip!
Mood:  happy
Topic: Family

October is always a special month and this October was no different. Something special is going on for three weekends in a row! A couple of weeks ago we had the great pleasure to take a ride on the Big South Fork Scenic Railway with some good friends. Words cannot express the fun that we had but, as they say, pictures say 1000 words. So, I'll let these pictures do the talking. We had great fun with family...

with great friends...


and with Grandma...

We had fun traveling into tunnels...


Over bridges...


And through a lot of really great scenery...




And we even learned some history...



A great time was had by all on the Big South Fork Scenic Railway!

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Posted by tink38570 at 4:44 PM CDT
Updated: Friday, 28 October 2011 5:05 PM CDT
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Thursday, 13 October 2011
Update! Update!
Mood:  a-ok
Topic: Family

I finally updated our "what have we been reading" list on my Amazon.com widget in the left hand column. Please don't feel like you have to click on anything and buy it. It's just a way to update everyone...and this update is long overdue.

So! What have we been reading?

Well, I, Tim, have been on a classics binge lately in my reading. It all started when I read Sally Clarkson's "Read for the Heart" last spring. I found out how many classic children's books I had missed in my childhood.


I began my "binge" by reading "The Wind in the Willows" by Kenneth Grahame and continued with "Just So Stories" by Rudyard Kipling. I then continued by reading "Freckles" and "A Girl of the Limberlost" by Gene Stratton Porter. Recently I've fed my habit by reading "Treasure Island" by Robert Louis Stevenson and Charles Dickens' "Great Expectations". Now, I'm going to tell you, I've LOVED reading the classics. They have been great. I've even reviewed a couple of them on Amazon.

But, listen to this! Do you know the neatest part about it? If you have a Kindle, Nook or some type of tablet reading device, THEY'RE FREE! Even if you just have a computer - and I'm assuming that if you are reading this, you at least have access to one - you can download them for free to read off of your laptop or desktop. I've downloaded most of them for my tablet. And...shhhh...some of them I didn't download from Amazon.

I haven't feasted strictly on classics, however. I've read a few other things. Namely books for homeschooling or for personal Christian study. I love reading Andrew Murray and "The Deeper Christian Life" was fantastic. I've also read and reviewed "How to Have a H.E.A.R.T For Your Kids" by Sally Clarkson.

So, what am I reading right now?


Well, to ease the hunger for homeschooling books I'm reading another great book from Apologia called "Educating the WholeHearted Child" (I'll be reviewing that one soon). To satisfy my ever craving need for good Christian books, I'm reading "Radical" by David Platt. Finally, to continue my habit of reading classics, I'm reading "Around the World in Eighty Days" by Jules Verne.

What has John Allen been reading?


This year John Allen is reading some great American History books for Sonlight's intensive one year American History course. So far he's read "Peace Child" by Don Richardson and "Cameron Townsend" by Geoff and Janet Benge. Right now he's reading "Down Ryton Water" by E. R. Gaggin and he's enjoying some short stories for the literature curriculum that we are reviewing. Soon he'll be joining me in reading "Around the World in Eighty Days"! I cant wait.

Joshua? Well, I'm trying to get him to read more chapter books and he is presently reading "Silver" by Gloria Whelan. Hopefully, soon, he'll be ready to slowly tackle some of the books in Sonlight's two year American History course that designed for third and fourth graders. I'm sure that he'll need a lot of help and it will probably take more than two year, but, that's one of the advantages of homeschooling!

Sarah? Well, you know Sarah. She's always reading her own stuff. Lately, I think, she's been reading a lot of Christian romance novels. She can read those in a day or less, so goes through quite a few of them.


Jacob? Jacob is beginning to learn his letters and sounds, so, hopefully someday soon he will be reading on his own. Until then, we'll continue to read great children's books like "Jessie Bear What Will You Wear", "Corduroy" and "The Snowy Day" to him.

Well, that's what we're reading. What are you reading? Leave a comment and let us know. Maybe you'll introduce us to something great that we would have never thought of! 

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Posted by tink38570 at 12:59 AM CDT
Updated: Thursday, 13 October 2011 1:50 AM CDT
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