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Families Again
Thursday, 9 September 2010
This is our Joshua - Please Watch this Short Clip on Asperger's Syndrome.
Mood:  not sure
Topic: Autism Awareness

A fellow blogging friend of mine posted this on Facebook. Sallie has an asperger's son as well. This video really touched me because it really shows how an asperger's child thinks and what goes on in the life of an aspy. Thanks for watching it and caring about these special young people.


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Posted by tink38570 at 12:02 AM CDT
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Tuesday, 11 May 2010
Think You Can't Do It? Yes You Can!
Mood:  incredulous
Topic: Autism Awareness

If they had an "In Tears" emoticon, that would be what I put right now. As many of you know, I've been reading about the amazing Vogel family who bicycled across the US and is now bicycling down the Pan-Am Highway. While reading through the journal of their trip, Nancy Vogel happened to mention another amazing family - the Hoyts.

Life is not always easy. I know that and you know that. With one son diagnosed with Asperger's syndrome and another being tested for the same, and all of that after our oldest child battled a rare form of childhood cancer when he was younger, there are some days when it is a battle to just put one leg in front of the other. Sometimes I wonder how I will go on. I'm not saying that I will never have any more of those days, but after reading about Dick and Judy Hoyt and their son Rick, those days will be fewer and farther between.

Because of lack of oxygen during birth, Dick and Judy Hoyt's son Rick was born a spastic quadriplegic with cerebral palsy. Although rick couldn't walk or talk and it was suggested that he be institutionalize, Dick and Judy saw much more than a crippled child. They soon discovered how bright he really was. With the use of special technology, he became able to communicate and soon it was learned of his love for sports. Wanting his child to be able to achieve all that he was capable of achieving, Dick devised a way for his son to enjoy athletics. The following is a short video of Rick and his dad completing the Ironman Triathlon - yes, I said the Ironman Triathlon. Watch it with a box of tissues by your side and with the thought, no matter how hard things seem to be, all things are possible. If you think you can't do it - Yes You Can! After you've dried your eyes, you can read more about this amazing family by clicking here.  But watch the clip first. You'll be glad you did.

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Posted by tink38570 at 10:31 PM CDT
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Friday, 2 April 2010
Autism Awareness Month
Topic: Autism Awareness


Many of you may not be aware that this month is National Autism Awareness Month. In fact, today is World Autism Awareness Day. Most of you know that this syndrome has effected our family deeply. We have one child, Joshua, that has been diagnosed to be on the autism spectrum with Aspergers Disorder, and another child, Jacob, that has shown many of the same tendencies as Joshua and has thus far been diagnosed with sensory disorders, low muscle tone and speech difficulties. I am going to be highlighting many aspects of Autism in the coming weeks and have a surprise announcement that I can't quite make, yet, because it is still in the planning stages. This month, won't you make it a point to become aware of this affliction that effects 1 in every 110 children. If you don't have any relatives or friends that you can make yourself more awar for, do it for Joshua and Jacob.




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Posted by tink38570 at 9:40 PM CDT
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