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Great Memes and Blog Carnivals:

Families Again
Wednesday, 6 October 2010
Men's Monday Meme - Dealing with the Death of a Loved One
Mood:  not sure
Topic: Men's Monday Meme

I got a call from my sister this evening. Mom isn't doing well. She's been in the hospital for a really bad infection since last Friday. Her vital signs are good, and she's on antibiotics, but all she does is sleep, and she isn't eating. All she had today was a cup of yogurt and half of some type of a protein shake that they had fixed for her. My sister is worried because Mom is on medicaid and and if she is out of the nursing home for ten days they may not save her room. She's going to talk to the doctor in the morning to see what he says. Mom may go back to the nursing home and be put on hospice.

I've never been the type of person where I have to say my "goodbyes" to someone. Mom probably wouldn't know me anyway. I would rather remember someone the way that they were. But, at the same time, I don't want my sister to have to make all of the decisions herself. I'm torn. Should I go up now or wait. I guess I'll wait to find out what the doctor says in the morning.

I hate these type things. I was never really good at handling them. I want to be strong on the outside and the inside, but it is hard for me. So, my question this week is:

How do you fellow men deal with things like this? What are your secrets? Is it okay to be weak sometimes?

Okay, now that I've let all that out, here are the rules:

  1. This is a man's meme, so the answers must be the answers from a man. Either the man can answer on his blog, or a wife can interview her husband for her blog. However, if the wife puts it on her blog, she must stay true to what her husband said.
  2. You are encouraged to put a Men's Monday Meme button on your blog. Just copy and paste the button at the top of this post. The more folks who link, the more readers you may have to visit your blog.
  3. You may answer the question any time during the week up through next Monday. After you answer the question, add the address to your post to the Mr. Linky below. If you could, please only add the direct link to the post to make it easier for readers to find the entry.
  4. My answer (if I remember to post it Innocent) along with a new question will be posted next Monday. The new Mr. Linky will be added at midnight Monday night or sometime within the next couple of days after that Wink.

And here is the new Mr. Linky:


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Posted by tink38570 at 8:58 PM CDT
Updated: Wednesday, 6 October 2010 9:21 PM CDT
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Tuesday, 5 October 2010
This Week's Men's Monday Meme is Going to be a Men's Wednesday Meme!
Mood:  happy
Topic: Men's Monday Meme

Sorry folks. In all of the excitement of the week, and all of the excitement of the day - good excitement for once Laughing - I forgot to post my new Men's Monday Meme question. So, I'm going to post it tomorrow. And, yes, I'm going to use this lame announcement as my post for the day Innocent. Today has just been too busy so I'll try to make tomorrow extra special.

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Posted by tink38570 at 10:11 PM CDT
Updated: Tuesday, 5 October 2010 10:17 PM CDT
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Tuesday, 28 September 2010
Men's Monday Meme - Finally!
Mood:  happy
Topic: Men's Monday Meme


Whew! It has been an interesting past few weeks...matter of fact, it has been an interesting past few months. Somewhat stressful in areas - basically because I don't let God take control and try to control it myself (never works Frown) - but exciting in a lot of areas. I'm sure in the months to come I will be sharing with you here and there.

And more excitement it coming in about a month...the elections! Now, some of you, I know, could care less about politics, but it is fascinating to me. I don't think that I would be a good politician, God would really have to give me a clear and forceful push for me to ever run for office, but, I love to follow it. I have always been an American history buff, and, I guess, that kind of leads into loving our great nation and caring about what happens to our country.

One of the things that really angers me a little is people who just don't care about the United States and the direction it's going in, and don't even vote. Now, I'm the type of person that occasionally watches C-Span and relishes watching cable news (all right, I'll admit it, I'm a FOX News fan), and I have more than once written my senator or congressmen about an issue. I don't expect everyone to be like me. That's not for everyone. BUT, I do think that it is the civic responsibility of all United States citizens to at least vote.

Maybe I'm wrong. Am I missing something? Is there a real reason why people don't vote? That brings me into this week's question:

Do you vote? Why or why not? Is there a personal or religious reason that drives you to vote or not to vote? Is there another reason why you do or don't vote? Let us know how you feel!

Now, especially since it's been a couple of months, here's the rules:

  1. This is a man's meme, so the answers must be the answers from a man. Either the man can answer on his blog, or a wife can interview her husband for her blog. However, if the wife puts it on her blog, she must stay true to what her husband said.
  2. You are encouraged to put a Men's Monday Meme button on your blog. Just copy and paste the button at the top of this post. The more folks who link, the more readers you may have to visit your blog.
  3. You may answer the question any time during the week up through next Monday. After you answer the question, add the address to your post to the Mr. Linky below. If you could, please only add the direct link to the post to make it easier for readers to find the entry.
  4. My answer (if I remember to post it Innocent) along with a new question will be posted next Monday. The new Mr. Linky will be added at midnight Monday night or sometime within the next couple of days after that Wink.

And here's the Mr. Linky:

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Posted by tink38570 at 10:17 PM CDT
Updated: Tuesday, 28 September 2010 10:40 PM CDT
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Sunday, 26 September 2010
Mood:  happy
Topic: Men's Monday Meme

It's Back! After a couple month break, I'm brining it back. I figured with the start of school that nobody would really have the time to participate but, not that school has been going on for a month or so, I've decided to restart it.

I have some good questions coming up - especially with the elections coming up Undecided! Can't wait to hear what you all think about them.

I'll be posting my first one tomorrow - after all, it is called the Men's Monday Meme Laughing. So check back tomorrow to see what the first new question will be!

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Posted by tink38570 at 10:24 PM CDT
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Monday, 9 August 2010
Men's Monday Meme - School Days, School Days, Dear Old Golden Rule Days!
Mood:  happy
Topic: Men's Monday Meme

Well it was back to homeschool day at the Tinkel house and boy was it a busy one. I really thought that I was ready, but to my dismay I was not. It was almost as if I hadn't spent the last couple of weeks ordering and researching and registering and making lists and looking over books and...and...and...! I shudder to think of what today might have been like if I hadn't done all of that. Instead, I got up extra early and began to check to make sure I had everything. I knew I had a few things that needed to be printed out but...100 pages later I was ready to start. So, I put everything in nice neat files and began to divvy it all out. I had a the basic lesson plans written down and thought that I had everything ready when...three hours later I finally put the final touches on their first day assignments.

So, we finally got started after lunch. By this time all of the boy's neighborhood friends had been at our door wondering when the boys would be done with their work for the day only to find out that we had barely started. The public schools begin tomorrow therefore we thankfully won't have that to worry about anymore until fall break.

I keep telling myself that the first day is always the worst and that things will get better after we get into a routine. Deep down I know that is true. It's always that way on the first day of school. It doesn't matter if it's public, private or home school and it's the same for teachers and students. The first day is always the most difficult.

It takes me back to my school days. I remember clearly the nerves that I felt thinking about a new grade and a new teacher. And, of course, the switch between elementary school and middle school and between middle school and high school were especially strenuous. Still, I have many fond memories of my school days. Which brings me to this week's meme question:

What are your favorite memories from school? It could be a teacher, a subject, a friend. It could be a special accomplishment or a humorous event. It may have happened in a public or private school, or at a homeschool co-op. It really doesn't matter. Just talk about your favorite school memory. Have fun recollecting!

Here are the rules to the meme:

  1. This is a man's meme, so the answers must be the answers from a man. Either the man can answer on his blog, or a wife can interview her husband for her blog. However, if the wife puts it on her blog, she must stay true to what her husband said.
  2. You are encouraged to put one of the Men's Monday Meme buttons found to the left on your blog. Just copy the code below the button of your choice. The more folks who link, the more readers you may have to visit your blog.
  3. You may answer the question any time during the week up through next Monday. After you answer the question, add the address to your post to the Mr.Linky below. If you could, please only add the direct link to the post to make it easier for readers to find the entry.
  4. My answer along with a new question will be posted next Monday. The new Mr. Linky will be added at midnight Monday night or sometime within the next couple of days after that Wink.

And Here's the Mr. Linky:

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Posted by tink38570 at 11:16 PM CDT
Updated: Monday, 9 August 2010 11:33 PM CDT
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