Announcing the 2010 Schoolhouse Planner! Mood: happy Topic: Homeschool Helps
Scene One - Panicky Homeschool Mom - A Month Before School Begins:
I'm homeschooling Danny this year. That makes four kids!
How am I going to keep everyone straight?
What about scheduling?
What about lesson plans?
Scene Two - Harried Homeschool Mom - Two Months Later:
Johnie, you're going to have to use the computer to find that capital. Wait a minute. Debbie's using it for her book report.
We really need a new computer but we're never able to stay on budget.
No, Danny, I don't know the name of that other library book, but you'd better find it. It's due today!
*Ring, ring* Hello. I'm sorry Honey. No I don't know what we're having for supper tonight. Could you just pick up a pizza on the way home? Yes I know that we've already had take out three times this week, but I just can't seem to get everything done. This homeschool group planning has really bogged me down. I just don't have time to plan a menu.
Scene Three - Calm, Organized Homeschool Mom - Four Months Later:
Debbie when you get done looking that up, it's Johnie's turn to use the computer. Until then, I think there's something about the presidents in our Schoolhouse Planner.
Only two more months, kids, and we should be able to buy that new laptop. I'm sure thankful for the Schoolhouse Planner's Budget Sheets.
Danny the list of your library books is posted on the refrigerator on the Schoolhouse Planner's library items list. Check it out, please, and see when they are due.
*Ring, ring* Hello. Yes Dear. I think I'm going to try that new Slow Cooker Pizza recipe I found in the Schoolhouse Planner. What? Oh, no need to pick up anything. I used one of the grocery lists from my Schoolhouse Planner and have everything we need. I love you too Dear. Bye
*Ring, ring* Oh, hello Babs. Yes, everything is planned for the homeschool group tomorrow. I used the Co-op planning list from my Schoolhouse Planner. I wanted to ask if you got yours yet? Yes, isn't it wonderful?! Since I received mine, I have been so much calmer. Not as much stress. And the kids are calmer, too. Since using the homeschool schedulers from the Planner the day is so much easier. Oh, yes, the lapbook section was worth it all! Have you tried that July recipe...
OK, the above scenario may sound a little like "Leave it to Beaver", but being a homeschooling mom (or dad) can be stressful. You have to make sure that you have lesson plans, and a grade book, and book report forms, and a schedule, and...and...and! You could look all over the internet and download everything, but then you would have to remember which file you stored it all in and then open every file until you found the exact thing that you needed. What a pain! The Homeschool Planner was written by homeschool parents from suggestions that came from homeschool parents. It has everything that you can think of whether it has to do with homeschooling or not. AND, when you download all of those lesson plan forms, grade forms, and schedules from other places, you have to print them out then fill them out, then put then in a binder, etc. With the Schoolhouse Planner's down-loadable e-book, you can fill everything out right on your computer and then print it out or save it for later! Let's look at some of the sections.
There is a Calender section with timely homeschool articles, resource lists and easy recipes (yes, RECIPES) for each month.
There's a Miscellaneous Educational Information section with tons of helpful information for homeschoolers and non-homeschoolers alike.
There's the great, ready to type on Homeschool Form section with all kinds of different forms. Many, like the Nature Journal and the Library Item list can be used by non-homeschool families as well.
Perhaps the most surprising section is the Household Forms section. In this section you'll find forms for anything from household chores to planning budgets to menu planning. All, of course, can be typed on straight from the computer.
So, how much does all of this cost? Don't worry, you won't have to get a second job of selling eggs at the market to buy this great planner. It's only $39! Still think it's too good to be true? Just click on the price button or here to get to The Old Schoolhouse store and you'll find more information about this and other great TOS products!
As a member of the TOS Homeschool Crew I have written this sell sheet (fancy way of saying add) as an entry into a most creative add contest for The Old Schoolhouse Magazine's Schoolhouse Planner. Although I was given a free copy of the 2010 Planner to download and use, this is not a review of the product but an add for the product.
And the Award Goes To... Mood: happy Topic: General
Yes, I was awarded the Sunshine Award. "What does all of this mean?" you may ask. Well, due to the fact that I have been super busy with a couple of other blog projects and haven't been able to post something superbly funny or creative today, you will have to wait until tomorrow or the next day to find out. But, I want to officially thank my blogging, fellow crew mate, great friend Sheri from Homeschooling on Wing and a Prayer for giving me this award. Please click on the link above if you want a sneak peak of this award is all about and to read the great, all true, stuff that she said about me . Really, her blog is great, so check it out.
And We're Walking... Mood: a-ok Topic: TOS Crew Blog Hop
It's time for another edition of the TOS Homeschool Crew Blog Hop! Check out these great bloggers. Remember, for the next few weeks all of the blogs will be from our First Mates (FM's). Mine isn't on the list yet, but it should be coming soon. The blogs this week are really great ones. Please check them out and leave a comment for my fellow TOS Crew FM's. I know they'd really appreciate it!
Is There Anyone Out There Who Really Cares? Mood: not sure Topic: Ministry
I purposely put that title at the top to get your attention. I'm sorry I tricked you, but would you have clicked on this post if I hadn't? Or, would you have just passed it by thinking "Oh that's just Tim again, trying to plug Compassion International". It's not so much that I'm trying to push Compassion International on you all. It's more that I am trying to make you more aware of poverty and the poor. And, it's not even that I am pushing for you to sponsor a child through Compassion. There are children that live in poverty all over the the United States and beyond. Dare I say, probably in your own town. It's easy to ignore them. After all, shouldn't the government take care of them? Aren't they in this condition because of their own mistakes? Perhaps the adults are, but what about the children? And even if the adults are, haven't we all made mistakes? One of the things that Sarah and I have found out by working with the folks that live in the projects is that many of them are generational residents. They're there because they don't know any better. They have never been taught. They just need some help. Not necessarily financial help, but friend help. Someone to talk to, someone who will listen, someone who will teach them, someone who will pray for them. If not for the adults, at least for the children. Will you be that someone? Will you let God lead you? Perhaps He will lead you to help financially. Perhaps He will lead you to pray. Maybe He will even lead you to befriend. I am willing to bet, though, that He won't lead you to be apathetic. Won't you pray about what God would have you to do? Perhaps in your neighborhood? Perhaps in your country? Perhaps around the world? It all starts with a child...It all starts with you.
Please Pray About What's Really On My Heart! Mood: not sure Topic: The Kids
I always try to write from my heart when I write, and today I have a burden on my heart so that is what I'm going to share with you. Many of you know that our two youngest sons, Joshua - 9 and Jacob - 4, have all kinds of emotional and behavioral problems. I chronicled our journey with Joshua here on the blog. Two years ago he was diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome along with ADHD (a very rare combination). Even before the diagnosis, Joshua was put on Metadate and Clonadine by our family doctor. Although we, of course, would rather our child not be on any medication, it was what God led us to do and the combination seemed to work. For well over three years he has been on the two. We have gradually had to up or adjust the dosages as time went on.
Recently it seems that the Metadate has not been working as well. Joshua has been having many more meltdowns and behavior problems. Sarah has mentioned that it could be the change in schedule and perhaps even the hot and humid days, but we decided to mention it to our doctor. He suggested switching his medications to Strattera. It's supposed to be a non-stimulant which really excited me at first, because stimulants are the things that you want to avoid - aren't they? No, though, since I've been asking about Strattera and doing some research, I am not hearing such favorable comments. One parent said that three weeks into it her seven year old child was saying things like "It would have been better if I wasn't even born". She warned to make sure that we keep an eye on his behavior and if there is any change (other than the desired calmness) to call the doctor immediately and take him off of the medication as they did with their child.
I'm just not sure what to do. Any change in medication really concerns me. Sarah's going to pick up the prescription tomorrow, but I think I am going to tell her to hold off giving it to him for a day or two and let us pray about it. Please pray along with us. It's probably not going to have any side effects, but it is still scary to think about. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Just as a background, we are not on a diet such as gluten free, but we do try to stick to healthy eating habits. Maybe we need to try to go gluten free. It would be a big step for us. Please pray. Thanks!