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Families Again
Saturday, 28 August 2010
Life's Adventures and the Consequences of Disobedience
Mood:  caffeinated
Topic: Family

Ah yes! It's been one of those days. We were up early because this was the first day of Upward Flag Football. It wasn't that we had to be up early, mind you. Our game wasn't until 10am. It wasn't even that we wanted to be up early. I had every intention of sleeping in until at least 8 or maybe even 8:30. You must remember that we have an interesting creature living in our household. A creature named Joshua. Joshua is our aspergers (autism spectrum) child and has been going through a difficult time of it recently. He has been on medication for a few years and just switched medicines. He went from one family of medications to another and it has not been working well. Nothing major, he has just been off the wall. Talks continuously, has no attention span, laughs at inappropriate things. Needless to say, a doctors visit is in order for this coming week. Anyway, another reaction to this new medicine is waking up way too early. Hence the no sleeping in part.

Well, after the big first game (he did great) we came home for a short rest before we went out to a benefit fund raiser for a local charity that we work closely with. Only, we never made it to the benefit. Joshua, in his exuberance from the earlier game, decided that he wanted to go over to the next door neighbor's house to play football with one of his friends. However, he wasn't supposed to leave the yard. So, I sent John Allen over to get him only to have Jacob tag along with big brother. A few minutes later a screaming four year old comes running into the mission where I was working. He had fallen into the neighbor's cactus and...you guessed it...his hands were full of needles. Forty-five minutes of screaming and tweezer picking made us realize that our feeble efforts were not working. Off to the hospital went Sarah, Jacob and big brother John Allen while I stayed home with the very repentant Joshua. It's amazing what one of those magnifying eye pieces can do. The doctor had the rest of the needles out in short order and Jacob called me on Mommy's phone to tell me four words, "I feel better now" before handing the phone to Sarah and getting back to his popsicle.

A trip to the McDonald's play place was in order for all of us. Sarah and I needed the kids to run off steam, Jacob needed to celebrate hands that feel better, John Allen needed a reward for standing by Jacob in need, and Joshua needed to know that his brothers still loved him. It was a lesson well learned as to what can happen when you disobey.

So, tomorrow's another day. Up early for church, the mission in the afternoon, then church again in the evening. Intermingled, of course, with life's adventures!  

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Posted by tink38570 at 10:37 PM CDT
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Friday, 27 August 2010
Blog Hop Week 9 - Keep Hopping...or Walking...or Whatever!
Mood:  happy
Topic: TOS Crew Blog Hop

I still haven't figured out what you are supposed to call this thing, but the name really isn't important. It's finding new and different blogs to follow and learn from that counts. Once again, this week is all First Mates from the homeschool crew. These are the ladies that I have gotten to know over the past year and many have become great friends and prayer warriors for our family and ministry. Please check out their blogs and give a hello to them for me. Thanks ahead of time!

1. Creative Learners
2. The Homeschool Desk
3. Ramblin' Roads
4. The Stewards Steno
5. Mama Manuscripts
6. Train Up a Child
7. We Love to Homeschool
8. Day by Day in Our World
9. Acorns - or Homeschooling Nuggets of Gold
10. The Berry Patch

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Posted by tink38570 at 10:32 PM CDT
Updated: Friday, 27 August 2010 10:34 PM CDT
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Thursday, 26 August 2010
Lockrobots - A Well Kept Secret
Mood:  a-ok
Topic: Homeschool Product Review

I've written before about our experience at our first ever homeschool convention in Cincinnati last spring. John Allen came with me every day and we had blast! One of the neatest things about any homeschool convention are all of the vendor booths that are set up. There were dozens and dozens of vendors. Some were vendors that the homeschool crew had the privilege to work with last year. We had a fun time getting to know them and talking with them face to face about their great products. Other vendors were new to us but were equally as nice.

One product that was brand new to us was Lockrobots. Their super nice guys had a booth set up with lockrobots for the kids to play with. John Allen was so enthralled by the Lockrobots and the booth workers (which ended up being the inventor and educational consultant Mike Teel and Dan Olson) that he visited their stand over and over again. In fact, if we ever got separated, we had a standing agreement that we would meet at the Lockrobot booth. During our time at the convention John Allen learned how to make every model that they had and he even invented a few things of his own. Mike and Dan were so nice to John Allen that they ended up giving him a free set at the end of the convention.

I, in turn, was so impressed with Lockrobots that I decided to write a review of them on my blog - not because John Allen was given a free set, mind you, but because I really do like the product. Lockrobots are so much more than a toy, they are super educational as well. But, before I tell you more about them, John Allen wrote a review of them himself:

Lockrobots are a connection kind of toy that are shaped like a person. I saw their booth a the home school convention and totally fell in love with them!! You can create many things with them like an elephant, giraffe, plane, helicopter, and many more!! there are 4 ways to lock them together. See if you can find all 4!! They are also very good for homeschooling, and therapy. They have 4 different sized cases, a 15 Lockrobot case, for toddlers, a 30 Lockrobot case, for a little more experienced builders, a 70 Lockrobot case, for advanced builders, and a 150 Lockrobot case, for master builders. This person shaped toy is fun for kids of all ages, and their parents too!!

One of the great "extras" of Lockrobots is their website. They have instructions for all kinds of neat structures that you can build with them. They also have directions for some fun family games that you can play with them as well as two great educational pages that talk about using Lockrobots in homeschool or in a classroom. It's amazing how you can incorporate them in whatever you are learning. Just the other day Joshua and I used them to talk about cause and effect. This is truly a toy that is an all around toy. It's fun to play with on its own, and a great learning tool as well.

Lockrobots range in price from $11 for the 15 piece set to $69 for the 150 piece set. Each set comes in a bucket or storage box and comes with instructions. To find out more about this great product, just click here or on any one of the hi-lighted links above. Have fun!

I wrote this review because of my impression of the Lockrobot product. No compensation was given and, although my son was given a free set, it was not done as a payment to write this review. Everything said in this review is a direct reflection of how I feel about this product.




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Posted by tink38570 at 11:18 PM CDT
Updated: Friday, 27 August 2010 11:37 PM CDT
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Wednesday, 25 August 2010
SHHHHHH! Don't Tell Sarah I Told You!
Mood:  mischievious
Topic: Family

Don't tell Sarah that I let the cat out of the bag because she is kind of shy about it. BUT...Sarah has started a blog! I have been after her for a long time to start one because I though that she would be an excellent blogger, so today she opened her blogger account and wrote her first posts. Her blog is called "Sweetheart of the Mountains" because that's what her grandfather always used to call her. You can find it by clicking here. Please hop on over and encourage her. I know she would really appreciate it. But...don't tell her I sent you!

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Posted by tink38570 at 11:46 PM CDT
Updated: Wednesday, 25 August 2010 11:53 PM CDT
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Tuesday, 24 August 2010
Help Fight Poverty...At Home and Abroad!
Mood:  a-ok
Topic: Compassion International

Okay, I know what I'm about to say may seem like a little thing to you, but it's big to me Frown! Blogging is supposed to be an extension of your life, and to me that is exactly true. I blog about things that important to me. And, I try not to allow things to be important to me if they are not important to God. I want everything that I do to be a ministry - from homeshooling, to Good News Mission and BCM International, to my homeschool reviews, to my family, to Compassion International. It's all a ministry and it's all connected and entwined. That's why it is so hard for me to pick a Topic for each one of my blog entries. Sometimes just one topic isn't enough. I want my post to cover three or four topics.

This post is no different. Although this is a clip put out by Compassion International, it's theme, Poverty, covers so many other areas of my life. Sarah and I work with folks that are in poverty every day. We see it at home through our ministry and we see it abroad through BCM International and Compassion International. So, this clip is much more than a Compassion International clip to me. It covers so much of who I am and what my family believes in and stands for.

This short movie talks about being a Hero to others by sponsoring a Compassion child in another country. Although I would love it if you would get involved with Compassion, I would love it even more if you just got involved! Be a hero where you are and get involved fighting poverty. Volunteer with your local mission. Help in your area soup kitchen. Visit someone in need. You don't have to give to BCM or Compassion or Good News Mission...just give! Give of your time and money to the organization of your choice, but just do it. Don't turn a blind eye to those in need anymore. Step out of you comfort zone - financially and time wise. Do it in Jesus name!

Then the righteous will answer him, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? 38When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? 39When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?’

40“The King will reply, ‘I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.’ 

 Matthew 25:37-40


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Posted by tink38570 at 11:41 PM CDT
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