Is There Anyone Out There Who Really Cares? Mood:
not sure Topic: Ministry
I purposely put that title at the top to get your attention. I'm sorry I tricked you, but would you have clicked on this post if I hadn't? Or, would you have just passed it by thinking "Oh that's just Tim again, trying to plug Compassion International". It's not so much that I'm trying to push Compassion International on you all. It's more that I am trying to make you more aware of poverty and the poor. And, it's not even that I am pushing for you to sponsor a child through Compassion. There are children that live in poverty all over the the United States and beyond. Dare I say, probably in your own town. It's easy to ignore them. After all, shouldn't the government take care of them? Aren't they in this condition because of their own mistakes? Perhaps the adults are, but what about the children? And even if the adults are, haven't we all made mistakes? One of the things that Sarah and I have found out by working with the folks that live in the projects is that many of them are generational residents. They're there because they don't know any better. They have never been taught. They just need some help. Not necessarily financial help, but friend help. Someone to talk to, someone who will listen, someone who will teach them, someone who will pray for them. If not for the adults, at least for the children. Will you be that someone? Will you let God lead you? Perhaps He will lead you to help financially. Perhaps He will lead you to pray. Maybe He will even lead you to befriend. I am willing to bet, though, that He won't lead you to be apathetic. Won't you pray about what God would have you to do? Perhaps in your neighborhood? Perhaps in your country? Perhaps around the world? It all starts with a child...It all starts with you.
Please Pray About What's Really On My Heart! Mood:
not sure Topic: The Kids
I always try to write from my heart when I write, and today I have a burden on my heart so that is what I'm going to share with you. Many of you know that our two youngest sons, Joshua - 9 and Jacob - 4, have all kinds of emotional and behavioral problems. I chronicled our journey with Joshua here on the blog. Two years ago he was diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome along with ADHD (a very rare combination). Even before the diagnosis, Joshua was put on Metadate and Clonadine by our family doctor. Although we, of course, would rather our child not be on any medication, it was what God led us to do and the combination seemed to work. For well over three years he has been on the two. We have gradually had to up or adjust the dosages as time went on.
Recently it seems that the Metadate has not been working as well. Joshua has been having many more meltdowns and behavior problems. Sarah has mentioned that it could be the change in schedule and perhaps even the hot and humid days, but we decided to mention it to our doctor. He suggested switching his medications to Strattera. It's supposed to be a non-stimulant which really excited me at first, because stimulants are the things that you want to avoid - aren't they? No, though, since I've been asking about Strattera and doing some research, I am not hearing such favorable comments. One parent said that three weeks into it her seven year old child was saying things like "It would have been better if I wasn't even born". She warned to make sure that we keep an eye on his behavior and if there is any change (other than the desired calmness) to call the doctor immediately and take him off of the medication as they did with their child.
I'm just not sure what to do. Any change in medication really concerns me. Sarah's going to pick up the prescription tomorrow, but I think I am going to tell her to hold off giving it to him for a day or two and let us pray about it. Please pray along with us. It's probably not going to have any side effects, but it is still scary to think about. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Just as a background, we are not on a diet such as gluten free, but we do try to stick to healthy eating habits. Maybe we need to try to go gluten free. It would be a big step for us. Please pray. Thanks!
Men's Monday Meme - School Days, School Days, Dear Old Golden Rule Days! Mood:
happy Topic: Men's Monday Meme
Well it was back to homeschool day at the Tinkel house and boy was it a busy one. I really thought that I was ready, but to my dismay I was not. It was almost as if I hadn't spent the last couple of weeks ordering and researching and registering and making lists and looking over books and...and...and...! I shudder to think of what today might have been like if I hadn't done all of that. Instead, I got up extra early and began to check to make sure I had everything. I knew I had a few things that needed to be printed out but...100 pages later I was ready to start. So, I put everything in nice neat files and began to divvy it all out. I had a the basic lesson plans written down and thought that I had everything ready when...three hours later I finally put the final touches on their first day assignments.
So, we finally got started after lunch. By this time all of the boy's neighborhood friends had been at our door wondering when the boys would be done with their work for the day only to find out that we had barely started. The public schools begin tomorrow therefore we thankfully won't have that to worry about anymore until fall break.
I keep telling myself that the first day is always the worst and that things will get better after we get into a routine. Deep down I know that is true. It's always that way on the first day of school. It doesn't matter if it's public, private or home school and it's the same for teachers and students. The first day is always the most difficult.
It takes me back to my school days. I remember clearly the nerves that I felt thinking about a new grade and a new teacher. And, of course, the switch between elementary school and middle school and between middle school and high school were especially strenuous. Still, I have many fond memories of my school days. Which brings me to this week's meme question:
What are your favorite memories from school? It could be a teacher, a subject, a friend. It could be a special accomplishment or a humorous event. It may have happened in a public or private school, or at a homeschool co-op. It really doesn't matter. Just talk about your favorite school memory. Have fun recollecting!
Here are the rules to the meme:
This is a man's meme, so the answers must be the answers from a man. Either the man can answer on his blog, or a wife can interview her husband for her blog. However, if the wife puts it on her blog, she must stay true to what her husband said.
You are encouraged to put one of the Men's Monday Meme buttons found to the left on your blog. Just copy the code below the button of your choice. The more folks who link, the more readers you may have to visit your blog.
You may answer the question any time during the week up through next Monday. After you answer the question, add the address to your post to the Mr.Linky below. If you could, please only add the direct link to the post to make it easier for readers to find the entry.
My answer along with a new question will be posted next Monday. The new Mr. Linky will be added at midnight Monday night or sometime within the next couple of days after that .
When the Cat's Away the Mice Will Play! Mood:
happy Topic: Family
Just in case you were wondering, the "Cat" is my wife Sarah who was away for a few days taking care of her mother after some minor surgery and the "Mice" are me, John Allen, Joshua, Jacob along with their friends Justin and Bailey.
Sarah has for ages wanted the carpet in our hallways and living room torn up. There are gorgeous hard wood floors underneath, and ten years of spills and three rambunctious boys running around have taken it's toll on the carpet. So, we decided to take the few days of mommy being away to try our best at pulling it up. Unfortunately, due to therapy schedules and desperately planning for tomorrows grand beginning of homeschool (which still isn't totally planned yet ), we didn't get the living room part done yet. But the hallways are nearly done and boy am I tired. My poor feet are worn out. Now, why my feet should be worn out when I was on my knees half the time I don't know, but they are.
Anyway, Sarah was very pleasantly surprised. She didn't know anything was going on. I really don't know how, because the check card internet ledger kept showing McDonald's and Burger King tabs on it where I was too tired to cook . As soon as the job is totally completed, there will be pictures. I still need to pull up some staples, sand the floor and give it a good shine before it's ready for the grand debut.
On a side note, I will be posting a new Men's Monday Meme question tomorrow, so be ready!