Men's Monday Meme - I've Had My Christian Dander Ruffled this Week! Mood: don't ask Topic: Men's Monday Meme
I guess it comes from working with folks that live in low income housing areas. I know that many of them are suffering from their own mistakes, but where does the punishment end? Nothing gets me riled up more than folks that are holier than thou. I get so tired of people who have the attitude of "We don't want those people in our church!" or "Have you heard what she did? This is her fourth child in five years and she's not even..." I know that pastors and religious leaders cannot compromise the Bible. Right is right and wrong is wrong. What makes me angry is that they'll accept some folks but shun others when we are all sinners. Heaven help the home church if a homosexual or a prostitute wanted to come to the church, but the ladies of the church gossip society are loved because, after all, their husbands upright and outstanding citizens and the ladies themselves are lifelong members of the ladies aid society and contribute so much to the church. I guess I get upset at the hypocrisy of it all. Here's what Romans1:29-32 says:
29 They have become filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, greed and depravity. They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit and malice. They are gossips, 30 slanderers, God-haters, insolent, arrogant and boastful; they invent ways of doing evil; they disobey their parents; 31 they are senseless, faithless, heartless, ruthless. 32 Although they know God’s righteous decree that those who do such things deserve death, they not only continue to do these very things but also approve of those who practice them.
Notice it says nothing about homosexuality or anything of the sort here. Now, don't get me wrong, I think that those things are abhorrent, but in God's eyes so are all sins! God hates sin and speaks out about all sin in the Bible. It's society that has put values on sins and not God. We either need to minister to ALL sinners or throw all of us out of churches because we are ALL sinners. John 13:34&35 says this:
34"A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. 35By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another."
It doesn't say we should only love those who haven't commited some major sin that is way up on the abhorrent sin list according to men. Those verses look to me to include everyone!
Can you tell that I've had my dander raised a couple times this week? Okay! Let me finally get to the topic of the week:
What do you think about my above rant? Am I being to harsh on churches and Christians? Are there certain folks that should not be allowed into a church because of their sinful behavior?
I expect that there are some folks that are non-church goers or have been turned off by this exact behavior that will have one opinion and then there may be church goers that will have another. I want to hear them all. I want a lively discussion! What do you all think?
Here are the rules:
This is a man's meme, so the answers must be the answers from a man. Either the man can answer on his blog, or a wife can interview her husband for her blog. However, if the wife puts it on her blog, she must stay true to what her husband said.
You are encouraged to put one of the Men's Monday Meme buttons found to the left on your blog. Just copy the code below the button of your choice. The more folks who link, the more readers you may have to visit your blog.
You may answer the question any time during the week up through next Monday. After you answer the question, add the address to your post to the Mr.Linky below. If you could, please only add the direct link to the post to make it easier for readers to find the entry.
My answer along with a new question will be posted next Monday. The new Mr. Linky will be added at midnight Monday night or sometime within the next couple of days after that .
You've heard of "Red Letter" days haven't you? Well, today was a "Red Package" day! To be more specific, it was a RedEnvelope day!
Got an email from a great men's blogging forum called Dad Blogs. RedEnvelope had contacted them about some men bloggers possibly blogging about some of their products. They had some qualifications that we had to meet, but, if met, we were told that we could pick any item from their website worth up to $75 to receive and review. After looking at their website, choosing a product and sending in my information, Families Again was chosen as one of the blogs! Two days later, I received a box from UPS.
Now, let me tell you, this box looked like an ordinary cardboard box on the outside, but, when I opened it up, I got the shock of my life! I had to take some pictures to share with you:
What company wouldn't you like if they sent their products in boxes like this? But, really, though, the proof is in the pudding. Any company can make anything look good in the box, but, is the product inside a quality product. Well, first let me show you what was inside:
"Okay", you might be thinking, "What is this marvelous item that Tim requested?" Well, it's something every man needs. It's something that would make a fantastic Father's Day gift. It's something that would be very unexpected. It's something that is very well made. And, it's something that would even make the wife happy.
All right. Hold your breath! It's a...
Car Trunk Organizer!
Now you might be thinking, "I could never buy a Car Trunk Organizer for a Father's Day gift for my husband." But why not? All men need help organizing. They may not admit it, but they really appreciate all of the help that they can get. And this organizer is really cool. It is fully collapsible, but when stretched out to it's full length, it's 23" x 12" x 14"H. It has three nice size compartments that will carry almost anything, and it has two mesh pockets on either end for your maps, flares, etc. But, that's not the best part. It comes with a cooler that fits into any one of the compartments. You can load up your organizer and take it on picnic, a fishing trip, a trip to the beach, a vacation, or just leave it in your trunk to organize all of the little odds and ends that you carry around with you every day. It has two handles on either end that make it very easy for carrying.
I can't wait to use it for traveling with the kids. We always end up with toys and souveniers all over the place by the time the trip ends. Our Car Trunk Organizer has three compartments - one for each boy. They can carry their toys in their own compartment and they will never get lost or clutter up the floor of the car!
And it's going to be terrific on our trips to the lake for a picnic and a swim. We can carry the food in the cooler, the bathing suits and towels in one compartment and all of the beach toys in the other!
What about our homeschool field trips? We can carry books in one, snacks in the cooler and ... I need to hush up now or I'll have to buy three more of them!
Now, you know that I have always been honest when reviewing a product. I wouldn't tell you I was excited about something if I really wasn't. I'm excited about this. It really is quality made, and I really can think of tons of ways to use it. I know that your husband can as well.
I just recieved this today, and haven't had time to really try it out, but wanted to get this post up so that you all would have plenty of time to purchase it before Father's Day. When I load it up with our own stuff, I'll post more pictures. The Car Trunk Organizer sells for $49.95 and comes complete with the cooler. The red box wrapping is $9.95 extra, but I was really impressed when I opened up the package and saw that red box with a white ribbon and gift card. I know any dad would be as well.
I am really impressed with RedEnvelope's service and products. To check them out, just click here or on any one of the hi-lighted links above. I know that you won't be disappointed. Neither will your husband! Happy Father's Day!
RedEnvelope extended an invitation to the members of Dad Blogs to review and blog about their products. I was sent their Car Trunk organizer to try out and review on my blog. No other compensation was given. The above review is my honest opinion of the product.
Really Big Announcement Number 1! My First Giveaway and a Great Cause! Mood: energetic
I told you that the next couple of days were going to be exciting, and I hope that you aren't disappointed.
You all know, from reading my homeschool product reviews, that Sarah and I are committed to healthy living. Like many people, we often fail, and need help and prodding from others. You also know that we are very dedicated to helping the less fortunate in our society and the world.
That's why I was so thrilled to hear about the Pound for Pound challenge. The Pound for Pound challenge is a unique program that fights hunger while helping you lose weight! How do they do it? First, you join the challenge by pledging to lose weight through exercise and healthy eating habits. For every pound that you lose, the Pound for Pound challenge will donate 14 cents - enough to buy one pound of food - to donate to Feeding America, the nation's leading charitable hunger-relief organization. Along the way, the folks from The Biggest Loser will give you weight loss tips, exercises, fact, they will set up a whole weight loss plan for you to help you meet your goal! Such a deal! While you lose weight, others will benefit.
So, how can you take part in this great opportunity? Just click here or on any one of the hi-lighted links above to get to the Pound for Pound challenge website. To find out more about Feeding America just click here. Don't wait too long to decide, the Pound for Pound challenge ends June 30th. so enter today!
But that's not all! In order to help promote the Pound for Pound challenge, General Mills and Kroger, two of the other challenge sponsors, have promised two $30 Kroger gift cards. One for us to use and one to give away on my blog! You all know what great prices that Kroger has and what great products General Mills has. Now you can take advantage of both to help you lose weight and get into shape! Here's a list at all of the great places listed that you can use your gift card at:
Kroger, Fred Meyer, Ralphs, King Soopers, Fry's Food and Drug, Fry's Marketplace, Smith's Food and Drug, Smith's Marketplace, Dillons, QFC, Food 4 Less, City Market, Jay-C Bakers, Gerbes, Foods Co., Hilander, Pay-Less Supermarkets, Owen's, Scott's Food and Pharmacy, Kroger Marketplace, Fred Meyer Jewelers, Littman Jewelers, Barclay Jewelers
To enter the drawing, just do one (or all!) of the following. Please, when leaving comments, include your name and email so that I can contact you if you win.
1. Leave a comment below telling how you plan on losing your weight and/or getting back into shape (worth one entry).
2. Subscribe to my blog by clicking on the subscribe button at the end of this post and then leave a comment saying that you did (worth one entry).
3. Subscribe to my blog by clicking on the Networked blog button in the left column and then leave a comment saying that you did (worth one entry).
4. Become a fan on my Families Again Facebook page by clicking here and then leave a comment saying that you did (worth one entry).
5. Follow me in Twitter by clicking here and then leave a comment saying that you did (worth one entry).
6. Twitter or Facebook about this give-away and leave a comment with a link to the post(s) (worth one entry per day. Must make a separate comment each day).
7. Blog about this give-away and leave three comments saying that you did (worth 3 entries).
The drawing will be next Friday, June 11 so enter, tweet, facebook and blog quickly! Thanks.
As a member of Blogspark the great people from General Mills and Kroger sent me two gift cards. One for us to use and one to give away to promote the Pound for Pound challenge and Feed America on my blog.
All Right! All Right! I know... Mood: caffeinated Topic: General
This makes two lame posts in a row. But I promise I have an excuse. We worked hard all day at the mission to get ready for our summer day camps and then had another night of VBS this evening. Then, we get home and find out the the mother of one of our old mission kids passed away. He moved away a few months ago. We are going to try to find out the arrangements so we can go see him. In the meantime please pray for Hunter.
On a lighter note. Tomorrow, I promise, will be a special day. In fact, I have interesting posts planned for the rest of the week, so please check back. You won't be disappointed.
I know this is what you're thinking, but I promise the rest of the week's going to be good! Check in tomorrow!