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Families Again
Tuesday, 22 December 2009
A New Challenge Is Coming?
Mood: energetic Topic: Ministry What is it? I will have an official announcement later, but this should give you a big hint! Monday, 21 December 2009
Men's Monday Meme - Question 2
Mood: happy Topic: Men's Monday Meme
Well, I only got two posts for my first Men's Monday Meme (and one was mine ). But, a lot of people seemed really interested and some said that they just couldn't think of a tradition, but they would check back again next week. So, I am going to forge ahead and post question number two! Here it is - What are your favorite things about the holiday season and your least favorite things? Now surely everyone has a holiday favorite and least favorite. I'm hoping to get a few more responses. I'm sure as my meme gets more exposure there will be more that participate. For those of you who are interested, here are the rules:
And here is the new Mr. Linky:
Posted by tink38570
at 10:56 PM CST
Updated: Monday, 21 December 2009 11:05 PM CST Post Comment | View Comments (5) | Permalink | Share This Post
Men's Monday Meme - My Answer
Mood: a-ok Topic: Men's Monday Meme Drum Roll Please...rat-a-tat rat-a-tat rat-a-tat! This is it - my answer to my first Men's Monday Meme question - Is there a favorite holiday tradition that you had when you were young and would like to pass on to your children or grandchildren? I really have two holiday traditions that we have always had. Let me start with the least important one. We have always had the tradition of opening the package that came from the farthest away on Christmas Eve. That usually was a package from one of my cousins that lived a few states away. We lived in Pennsylvania for most of my growing up years, and we would always get together at Grandpa Tinkel's house in Indiana for thanksgiving. All of the aunts, uncles and cousins would be there and that is where we would always draw names for Christmas gifts. The rule was that you couldn't draw a name of someone from your immediate family so that ruled out my brother or sister. So it was always someone from Indiana or maybe even from Texas (my dad's youngest brother and family lived there)! We usually had a big Christmas Eve service at our church, so it would happen after that. It was always a big and exciting night. We have family that lives all over the USA now, so it is still exciting for my kids to open up one on Christmas Eve. You never know where it's going to be from! The second, more important tradition is that we always read the Christmas story from the Bible before opening gifts on Christmas 'Day. I love doing it, but it always brings a pang of sadness. My dad, "Pop Pop", was always the one that had that honor. Even after we were married, we made it home most Christmases and even when we couldn't, we always knew that Pop-Pop was somewhere reading the Christmas story usually from the Gospel of Luke. Pop-Pop died eight years ago but we carry on the tradition. It helps us to focus on what we are really celebrating at Christmas time - the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. It really shouldn't bring me sadness, for I know that while we are merely reading about Jesus' birth, Pop-Pop is actually sitting at His feet and praising Him for the sacrifice that he made when He left His perfect home in Heaven to be born into this sinful world. All so that He could someday die for our sins. That is what we are truly celebrating at Christmas, and that is the main tradition that I want to pass down to my children. Sunday, 20 December 2009
What Will I Miss and What Will I Not Miss as My Children Grow Older?
Mood: chillin' Topic: The Kids Most of you have seen the widgets that I have on the left hand side of my page. What are widgets? They are those things on the left side that you can press and go to a particular site. My "Men's Monday Meme" buttons are widgets, for example. As are the two from BlogFrog that are in the middle of the left column. BlogFrog is a community of bloggers that I joined partly to gain more exposure for my blog, but also to learn from other, more experienced bloggers. In the blog frog community forums, they have a discussion area. You can either start a discussion by asking a question, or join in a discussion by answering a question or responding to someone else's answer. One of the questions recently was asked by Sarah (not my Sarah) from Kingdom Twindom. Her question was more in the form of a statement "I'm really going to miss that!" She went on to discuss what she was and wasn't going to miss about her children being toddlers. Others joined in the discussion and offered comments such as "I will miss the cuddling" or "I'll miss the babytalk", and then added that they would not miss "Changing diapers" and "Having to buckle them into their car seats".As I began thinking about what things I would miss or not miss, I became a little more melancholy. Not depressing or anything like that, just kind of sad at the thought of my boys growing up. I thought I would share my response with you in today's post. Here it is in it's entirety.
Saturday, 19 December 2009
Prayer Request!
Mood: a-ok Topic: General Mood - Hopeful Why do I say hopeful? Because I'm still looking for a sponsorship for our Compassion Christmas Child - Mwende Mumbe from Kenya (click here to read my original post). I have heard what it's like to be waiting for a sponsor. Someone who can love you unconditionally. Someone who cares enough to help financially, but most important, cares enough to have a personal relationship with a child that so desperately needs someone who loves them. I'm not trying to play on your sympathy, but to try to put a realistic perspective on things. So many of us see pictures of the poverty in the world, and just shake our heads, perhaps say a quick prayer, and then go on, thinking that we can't do much. We then probably forget about it until the next news story is flashed before us. I know that's the way I was. But, when God finally opened our eyes, and we began to sponsor Marcelo, it made a world of difference to our family. We can see how our money is affecting him physically, but more importantly, how our love is affecting him emotionally. And all it takes is a little over a dollar a day, and a little time. Please take this time to pray about possibly sponsoring Mwende. I have a portfolio that I could send to you if you are interested with no obligation to sponsor, just to pray over. Just let me know through email or by leaving a comment below. Our email is . Thanks for your prayers!
Posted by tink38570
at 11:44 PM CST
Updated: Saturday, 19 December 2009 11:51 PM CST Post Comment | Permalink | Share This Post |