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Families Again
Saturday, 19 December 2009
Prayer Request!
Mood:  a-ok
Topic: General

Mood - Hopeful

Why do I say hopeful? Because I'm still looking for a sponsorship for our Compassion Christmas Child - Mwende Mumbe from Kenya (click here to read my original post). I have heard what it's like to be waiting for a sponsor. Someone who can love you unconditionally. Someone who cares enough to help financially, but most important, cares enough to have a personal relationship with a child that so desperately needs someone who loves them.

I'm not trying to play on your sympathy, but to try to put a realistic perspective on things. So many of us see pictures of the poverty in the world, and just shake our heads, perhaps say a quick prayer, and then go on, thinking that we can't do much. We then probably forget about it until the next news story is flashed before us. I know that's the way I was. But, when God finally opened our eyes, and we began to sponsor Marcelo, it made a world of difference to our family. We can see how our money is affecting him physically, but more importantly, how our love is affecting him emotionally. And all it takes is a little over a dollar a day, and a little time. 

Please take this time to pray about possibly sponsoring Mwende. I have a portfolio that I could send to you if you are interested with no obligation to sponsor, just to pray over. Just let me know through email or by leaving a comment below. Our email is tink38570@yahoo.com . Thanks for your prayers!


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Posted by tink38570 at 11:44 PM CST
Updated: Saturday, 19 December 2009 11:51 PM CST
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