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Great Memes and Blog Carnivals:

Families Again
Tuesday, 22 June 2010
Memories from the Past
Mood:  a-ok
Topic: General

I was reading Facebook this evening. A writer friend of mine was commenting on seeing fireflies for the first time. They've lived in Lancaster for a few years, but are usually very busy in the summers and are away from home. She left a beautiful writer's type description of God's great creatures ~ fireflies. 

I remember when we used to live in the "County Home". Yes I'm old enough to remember those things and no I didn't live there as a client. My parents were the superintendents of what was known as the old folks home. We lived in the superintendents quarters. It was a joy for a little five year old boy. I had a couple dozen grandmas and grandpas. I even had a great play mate. A 40 something mentally retarded man named Glen. We did everything together during the couple of years that myfamily  lived there. I didn't have any prejudices or fear of being around Glen. He was a great friend.

I remember one summer when the fireflies were abundant. Mom and Dad had bought me one of those plastic bug catchers. In the late 60's those were brand new and pretty rare. I remember running around late into the evening trying to catch those shining bugs. I don't remember whether I had ever noticed them before or not, but during that beautiful northern Indiana night, they were amazing. We had a large side yard that was full of them. I recall putting grass inside for them to "feed" upon. I don't know how many actually lived but it was fun chasing and collecting.

For some reason that's one of those memories from my childhood that stand out. Some people remember more than others of their past. A few have very clear recollections of events from their childhood. I believe most of us have only bits and pieces our childhood that God has helped us store in our minds. Most are special memories. Memories that cause a warm feeling inside when ever they are conjured up. Some may only come to mind once or twice a year, but, each time they are, they are recalled just as clearly as the time before. This was one of those recollections that had been pushed back into the depths of my brain until God required it to be due again. Then, tonight, it once more gave me that warm fuzzy feeling inside. Thanks God.

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Posted by tink38570 at 10:17 PM CDT
Updated: Wednesday, 23 June 2010 9:19 AM CDT
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