
Topic: Homeschool Helps
Sometimes, however, the outside just isn't possible. There are rainy days even in the summer, and there are always some days, albeit rare, when the kids just don't feel like going out. For those days, have I got a deal for you!
Do you remember the review I did for Mathscore some months ago? Here's the link to it just in case. Anyway, the great people at Mathscore are experimenting with something new - a $5.95/month for the first child promotion! Usually they charge $14.95 a month, so this is almost 1/3 their normal fee!
The even neater (is that a word?) thing is that they have only selected certain homeschool product blog reviewers to promote this offer with and yours truly was one of them. You won't find this offer on their website, you can only access it by using this special link -
As far as I know, this offer will even keep going after summer is over, but just in case, you'd better not wait to take advantage! Have a great summer!
Updated: Monday, 7 June 2010 10:55 PM CDT
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