
Topic: Compassion International
The TOS Homeschool Crew just got a new graphics program to review. I've been trying to get used to it and my Thursday's Child badge above was my first creation. As you can see it's not the greatest, but it's a start. I'll have to work with it some more to see if I my creations become a little better. We'll see.
I've been thinking somewhat about what to say in this week's Thursday's Child post. I have bragged on Marcelo, and have talked about Mwende. By the way, I still haven't found a sponsor for Mwende yet. I would love it if someone would choose to sponsor her. If anyone is even remotely interested, please let me know by emailing me at, or by leaving a comment below.
Getting back to what I was going to write about. When I joined Compassion Bloggers, they said that they would send a suggestion each month for a blog topic that has to do with Compassion International. I haven't gotten this month's suggestion yet, however, so I went looking for something on YouTube that I could post. I wanted something new, that I hadn't said before. Maybe a different aspect of Compassion International. I found this. I think you will enjoy it. It has a very surprising ending. Have fun watching!