
Topic: Men's Monday Meme
I have gotten a few comments from some of my blogging friends that say that their husbands don't want to participate because they think that the questions that I have been asking are just the simple everyday questions that are always asked. They don't want to spend their time answering just any old questions. They want me to think out of the box.
I had thought about asking more controversial questions, but didn't want to scare some men away. However, I think I have come up with a solution. At least once a month, maybe twice, I am going to ask a "Hot Topic Question" for those men who want something a little more meaty to chew on. How often I post a Hot Topic, will depend on how much response I get to this one. If any of you have any Hot Topics that you would like discussed, please leave a comment below, or send an email to me with the meatier questions. I will give you full credit if I use one of them.
OK, here goes the very first Hot Topic question on the Men's Monday Meme:
Wives, submit to your husbands, as is fitting in the Lord. Colossians 3:18 New International Bible
What do you think that the above Bible verse means, and how do you apply it (if you do) in your household?
Hmmmm. Please ladies don't stone me! Let's move right along to the rules:
And here's the new Mr. Linky: