
Topic: Blog Carnivals!

The Redhead Riter and her husband have been so faithful in posting something for my Men's Monday Meme, that I wanted to repay her by posting on her meme. Besides, hers is fun. It's called Tell the Truth Thursday (OK! I know! I'm a couple days late!). She asks a question, and you have to tell the truth no matter what - even if it's a ticklish subject. Well, this one is easy for me, because I ALWAYS tell the truth! I would never lie about anything, even if it was a "ticklish" subject. Of course, if it were too ticklish, I just wouldn't answer it for that week !
This weeks is about the "L" word...Lying! The question is:
What is the biggest lie you ever told your parents?
Hmmm. The biggest lie that ever told my parents? That's a toughy. I really didn't lie a whole lot when I was young. Honest! If it were something I didn't want to tell my parents, I usually didn't lie. I just didn't tell them the whole truth. So my sin was more the sin of omission.
I remember one time my cousin had come to visit. We totally destroyed my room. When our parents said it was time to clean up, we cleaned up. The floor was perfectly clean. We stuffed everything under the bed and in the closet! It didn't work. They figured it out and we got into even worse trouble.
That's the type of dishonesty I got into. Nothing spectacular. I was the baby of the family. And when I say baby! I mean BABY! My sister is 15 years older than I am and my brother was 10 years older than me. My sister got married when I was six years old, so I hardly remember a time without my brother-in-law being around. It was like I had two sets of parents and an older brother who was a fantastic older brother. I was truly spoiled. I didn't have to lie. I got almost whatever I wanted and got away with murder!
Really, although I was probably spoiled more than other kids, my parents did set boundaries and raised me to be basically honest and truthful. Except, of course, for those little sins of omission. There were, however, other areas in my life where I wasn't so angelic (I know, you can hardly believe it). Thankfully I don't have to answer about any of those subjects. Let's just hope that The Redhead Riter doesn't post any questions about those in the near future. I may have to have a chat with Redhead. Maybe drop her a few hints on questions for the future. Safe questions!
Please stop on over to The Redhead Riters blog. She does an excellent job. Just click here, on her "Tell the Truth Thursday" banner, or on any one of the hi-lighted links above. If you have a blog, you should consider participating. It really is a lot of fun. Honestly! Would I lie to you?