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Families Again
Tuesday, 28 September 2010
Horror's! I've missed another day!
Mood:  irritated
Topic: General

And, I missed publishing my new Men's Monday Meme. Ah, well, more on that later.

Anyway, many of you know that I had set a goal last November to publish a post every day. Well, that went out the window months ago when I missed a day after my computer crashed. I've missed a few more since then, but have continued to try to post daily. I'd been doing fairly well, too, when, HORRORS, ministry difficulties last night made me miss another day...after I'd announced to the world that I was going to restart my Men's Monday Meme that day!

A day late and a dollar short again! It's the story of my life. Well, I promise today will be the day. We are still in the middle of our ministry mini-crisis (you can pray about that) but I should be able to publish it later on today. Please be patient!

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Posted by tink38570 at 11:49 AM CDT
Updated: Tuesday, 28 September 2010 12:00 PM CDT
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Sunday, 26 September 2010
Mood:  happy
Topic: Men's Monday Meme

It's Back! After a couple month break, I'm brining it back. I figured with the start of school that nobody would really have the time to participate but, not that school has been going on for a month or so, I've decided to restart it.

I have some good questions coming up - especially with the elections coming up Undecided! Can't wait to hear what you all think about them.

I'll be posting my first one tomorrow - after all, it is called the Men's Monday Meme Laughing. So check back tomorrow to see what the first new question will be!

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Posted by tink38570 at 10:24 PM CDT
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Saturday, 25 September 2010
Thursday's Child
Mood:  happy
Topic: Compassion International

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Posted by tink38570 at 11:11 PM CDT
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Friday, 24 September 2010
Ladies and Gentlemen, Boys and Girls. Welcome to the Greatest Show on Earth!
Mood:  a-ok
Topic: Homeschool Product Review

And now I'd like to direct your attention to the center ring where you will find the fabulous Schleich figurines. Please welcome...

"Kanga" the Okapi

"Chloe" the Asian Elephant Calf

"Loui" the Swabien-Hall Piglet

"Candy" the Przewalski's Horse

"Lightning" the Dartmoor Pony

"Cody" the Gnu

"Zack" the Gnu Calf


"Donkey" the Donkey

These fabulous animals were sent to the Tinkel household and affectionately named by the Tinkel children. These well trained mammals have been loved by the children of the household along with their friends since they arrived in the mailbox close to six weeks ago. Although these quality plastic, hand painted figures are not real, don't tell the kids! To them, they are very real and have been used in imaginative play from creating this "Tinkel Family Circus" to going on adventurous safaris, running a western ranch or working the family farm.

You, too, can begin an imaginative animal adventure by starting your own collection of Schleich figures. If a circus, safari, ranch or farm aren't for you then you can choose from historical eras such as "Prehistoric Animals", "The World of Knights", and "The World of the American Indians". Or, perhaps you would like to delve into fantasy worlds such as the one created by Schleich called "Bayala" or buy Schleich replica's of Smurf cartoon figures. And, they don't just have animals, but also have authentic replicas of trees, forts, wagons, castles and more to go along with your figurines. In fact, Schleich has 100's of hand painted items of all prices that they produce. But, before you write off these quality products as being too expensive for you budget, think again. The Przewalski's Horse that we were sent can be bought for $2.99 new on Amazon. To see all of the items that this 75 year old company makes and to find a retailer near you please click here or on any one of the hi-lighted links above. And, to find what adventures the other crew members had with their Schleich figures please click here.

And for our next act...

As a member of the TOS Homeschool Crew I was sent eight Schleich figurines free of charge in order to try out and review on my blog.

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Posted by tink38570 at 7:58 PM CDT
Updated: Friday, 24 September 2010 10:42 PM CDT
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Thursday, 23 September 2010
Are You Looking for Some Good Wholesome Books for Your Kids? Look No Further!
Mood:  happy
Topic: Homeschool Product Review

If you walked into our home, you would notice right away all of the book shelves that line our hallway, bedrooms, and my office (in the mission). Yes, we are bookaholics. We love books. My parents were avid readers, Sarah's parents were avid readers, and we are trying to pass on their and our love of books to our children. We especially love what has been called "living books" which I define as good, inspirational books that promote Christian values. That's why I was so excited to see my name on the TOS Homeschool Crew list for Salem Ridge Press, a company who publishes and reprints books that fit that definition.


We were sent three books that represented the types of good literature that they put out. Two were downloadable ebooks - "Down the Snow Stairs" and "Young Robin Hood", and one was a hardcopy book - "Soldier Fritz" and we were not disappointed at all. We were sent these books as a representation of what kind of material Salem Ridge Press publishes, so I will refrain from doing a book review on each particular book, but I can tell you that these books are everything and more than what I hoped for.

Salem Ridge Press is a company that was started by a homeschool graduate with the purpose of "bringing back quality children’s books of the 1800’s and early 1900’s for a new generation of readers" (from their website). Their books promote wholesome values that many, dare I say most, children's books published these day's don't promote. And, in case you think that books such as this must be dry and boring, think again! There are adventure novels, historical novels and allegories. There are books for younger readers and older readers. They have books for almost everything with more books being published regularly. I really like what I see with this growing company.

Let me reassure you that I am not just saying this to be nice in my review. My family has loved these books. Joshua, who is so active that he normally can't sit still for two minutes, actually sat enthralled while I read aloud "Young Robin Hood". I assigned John Allen "Soldier Fritz" to read, but he has yet to finish it because I began to read it and was engrossed from the first chapter! They are that good.


I really encourage you to check out Salem Ridge Press by clicking here or on any one of the hi-lighted links above. The three books that we received had a price range from $10.95 for softcover to $20.95 for hardcover. "Down the Snow Stairs" was priced at $24.95 but was clothbound with a dust jacket. As of now, they do not offer their books as downloadable ebooks but the TOS Store does. I think that I have gotten across our feelings for these great books, but just in case you missed it...WE LOVED THEM! These books would be wonderful additions to any home library. Now, to read what other TOS Crew Members thought about this company please click here. Happy Home Educating!

As a member of the TOS Homeschool Crew I was sent for free two downloadable ebooks and one softcover book from Salem Ridge Press for the purpose of reading, looking over and reviewing the quality of their products on my blog.

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Posted by tink38570 at 3:16 PM CDT
Updated: Friday, 24 September 2010 12:11 AM CDT
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