
Topic: Family
Recently, we felt that we needed to switch Joshua's medication. As most of you know, Joshua was diagnosed with Asperger's syndrome along with ADHD a couple of years ago. Asperger's is on the autism spectrum and our doctor then told us that aspergers with ADHD is very rare. They usually don't diagnose them together.
Anyway, his old medication seemed to be wearing off too soon, and, since we were at the max. for what he could get, we couldn't up his prescription. So, after talking with our doctor, we decided to switch him to a different medication. I was reluctant at first, because I always hate switching medications with my kids, but we decided to try it and watch him carefully for any side effects. Well, after a week and a half, there was no difference. In fact, he was worse. So, we upped the new medication. Instead of getting better he got even worse! This went on for about another week and a half. He was inattentive, got upset very easily, homeshool was a bust...nothing got done. His worst on the old medicine was 10 times better than this new medicine.
Last weekend we had had enough so promptly on Monday we called the doctor again. Together we decided to try his old medication again in an extended release version. It has been wonderful! Our old Joshua is back! Kind, sweet, eager to learn (most of the time )...he was our little boy again! And we are thrilled. Thank you for all of your prayers.
And thank you, Lord, for our son Joshua. Thank you for always taking care of him and guiding to do what is best for him. Thank you for your care for all of us. Amen