
Topic: General
And, I missed publishing my new Men's Monday Meme. Ah, well, more on that later.
Anyway, many of you know that I had set a goal last November to publish a post every day. Well, that went out the window months ago when I missed a day after my computer crashed. I've missed a few more since then, but have continued to try to post daily. I'd been doing fairly well, too, when, HORRORS, ministry difficulties last night made me miss another day...after I'd announced to the world that I was going to restart my Men's Monday Meme that day!
A day late and a dollar short again! It's the story of my life. Well, I promise today will be the day. We are still in the middle of our ministry mini-crisis (you can pray about that) but I should be able to publish it later on today. Please be patient!
Updated: Tuesday, 28 September 2010 12:00 PM CDT
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