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Topic: Homeschool Product Review

Do you remember the old books with records/tapes that you used to get as a child? You know, the ones where someone read the story and you could follow along in the book? Then, when it was time to turn the page, there would a special signal for you when it was time to turn it. I used to love those books.
Recently, I got a very pleasant surprise! I actually received four books in the mail from Children's Bible Hour. They are adaptations of four episodes of their popular radio programs. And, lo and behold, what should be in the back of each beautifully illustrated book but CD's of the books being read. And, sure enough, there was a special signal to turn each page. Brought back wonderful memories. I loved it and so did my kids. They had never experienced something like that before. With all of the technology these days, sometimes the old ways are exciting for kids.
These books are part of a series called "Seasons of Life". Each book tells a story that corresponds spiritually and weather-wise with one of the four seasons. Here is how Children's Bible Hour explains it.

I love the above descriptions of the seasons, and each book in the series emphasizes each description to a tee. Let me take each book one by one.
The first book in the series is called "Race With Midnight". Becky is going to spend Spring break with her Uncle Carl, Aunt Millie, and cousin Sarah on their ranch in Montana. Now that she was older, Becky was looking forward to learning how to ride a horse by herself on this trip. Becky had a more important task that she wanted to accomplish though. You see, her uncle's family had never trusted Jesus as their Savior. Before she left, her parents prayed that somehow Becky would get the chance to tell them about Jesus. Will she have the chance? Will she learn how to ride? What happens when she and Sarah get lost? You'll have to buy the book to find out!
The Summer book is entitled "You Can't Come In". Zach and his family have just moved to Akron from California. He misses his friends from out west, but he's glad that he has a new friend, Adam, to spend his summer with. Adam soon finds out that Zach hasn't been to church much in his life and invites him to come some day. One day Zach has a wagon wreck while they are getting ready to build a secret fort. Did Zack get hurt? Why wouldn't his mom let him in the house? Will he ever go to church with Adam? The book will answer all of those questions!
The title for Fall's book is "Seventy Times Seven". Brad and Doug had been good friends for a long time but Doug had been acting strange lately. He hasn't been acting like himself. He borrows money, then forgets to pay it back. He uses Brad's math book and then neglects to return it. He doesn't spend as much time with Brad at Mr. Jeffries' ice cream shop anymore. Brad is beginning to wonder if Doug even wants to still be his friend. The last straw comes when Doug's new puppy chews up Brad's favorite baseball cap because Doug, once again, forgot to return it. That was it! Doug had gone to far and Brad wasn't going to forgive him! Doug feels bad and wonders how to fix it. Will Brad and Doug ever be friends again? Why is Brad doing all of these strange things? What happens when Brad breaks Mr. Jeffries' ice cream shop sign? You'll only find out if you read the book!
The Winter book's title is "Braving the Storm". There sure had been a lot of storms in Thomas' life lately. First the terrible car accident had injured his brother Manuel so badly that he could hardly walk. Then, his father lost his job and they had to leave their beautiful house and all of their friends and move into a small mobile home in their grandparents back yard. "Why had God allowed all of these bad things to happen?" wonders Thomas. They were Christians. God was supposed to bless them not bring trouble. Soon Grandpa calls for Thomas to help him plant an apple tree sapling. Even though it was winter, Grandpa thought it might still survive. While planting it, Grandpa tries to console Thomas' sadness with some wise counsel. Later, a terrible storm comes. Thomas and his family have to make a daring run from their house to his grandparent's house. Would they make it? What was the wise counsel that Grandpa had? Would Manuel ever be able to walk again? Would the little sapling survive the storm? You guessed it. You'll have to buy the book to find out!
These 10' x 8.5' softback books are wonderful books and they are beautifully illustrated by Robert Sauber and John White. The CD's are very well done with sound effects, background music and the book is narrated by The Children's Bible Hour's own Uncle Charlie. The price of $10 each is very reasonable. You can check out this series and all of the other great things that Children's Bible Hour has to offer by clicking here or on any one of the hi-lighted links above. You can also check to see what the other TOS Crew Members are saying by clicking here. Happy home educating!
As a member of the TOS Homeschool Crew I was sent free copies of the above books to read and review on my blog.
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