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Families Again
Tuesday, 23 March 2010
I Won!
Mood:  happy
Topic: General


I can't believe it! I won one of the great contests that I signed up for. My TOS Crew friend Tristan from Our Busy Homeschool had a contest to give away the remaining eight months of her Hands of a Child super membership because she upgraded to a lifetime membership. Over the weekend she sent me an email saying that I had won! Yesterday the great folks at Hands of a Child contacted me and got my account all set up. I've already downloaded four free products! They are great. I don't know how much a super membership usually costs, but the stuff I have gotten so far is fantastic. They have lapbooks, unit studies...all kinds of things! Check them out by clicking here or on one of the hi-lighted links above for their site. Also, check out Tristan's site by clicking here or her hi-lighted site name above. I'll keep you posted as to any other contests that I find out about so that you can join in the fun. Maybe you'll win one too!

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Posted by tink38570 at 11:43 AM CDT
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One Act Can Change A Life
Topic: Compassion International

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Posted by tink38570 at 12:13 AM CDT
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Monday, 22 March 2010
It's Spring, It's Sunny, and the Carnivals are Coming!
Mood:  a-ok
Topic: Blog Carnivals!

Blog Carnivals that is! I have entered a post in the Homeschool Showcase. Please give them a visit and enjoy the posts. Just click here or on the Homeschool Showcase button above. Thanks!

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Posted by tink38570 at 11:20 AM CDT
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Sunday, 21 March 2010
Spring Has Sprung!
Mood:  bright
Topic: General
Pictures are worth a thousand words. These were taken on the first day of spring. Enjoy.





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Posted by tink38570 at 10:05 PM CDT
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Saturday, 20 March 2010
Boy Do I Wish I Had These a Couple of Years Ago!
Mood:  incredulous
Topic: Homeschool Product Review

If your homeschool is like our homeschool, you are constantly looking for good maps for all kinds of things. This happened a couple of years ago while John Allen and I were doing Vision Forum's Jamestown 400 Treasure Hunt. We had a blast doing it, but one thing we needed desperately was a good set of historical maps. I was constantly looking online for a map for this or one for that.

Since that time, I have been searching for a good set of maps that we can use for all sorts of things. Right now, John Allen is just beginning his studies of World History, and Joshua is continuing his learning about United States geography and history. When I heard that we were going to be reviewing products from Homeschool in the Woods, I was excited. When I found out that I was going to be receiving the Old World Style black and white sets of both the United States Maps and World Maps, I was overjoyed. But, when I finally was able to download the two sets, I was flabbergasted! 

You have got to see these sets! They are much more than just a bunch of maps. You could almost use everything that comes with these packages as a curriculum in itself.  Let's talk about the United States set first. Not only do you get three kinds of maps for every state but you get so much more. The state map collection includes a regular map of each state, showing the labeled capital, labeled major waterways, bordering states and mountain ranges; the same map with no labels, and a map with just the outline of the state, with no geographical features. Here's a sample of what they look like.

But that's not all! Notice the bottom map? It's one of their over a dozen special maps that they include in the package. Their special maps include maps of:

  • Colonial America
  • Growth of the US During Different Time Periods
  • Slave/Free States
  • Confederate/Union States
  • Native American Tribes
  • United States Maps

Some of the above include non-text versions for your students to fill in. They are amazing! But, as if that weren't enough...

SurprisedThat's Not All!!!Surprised

Yes, I know you're shocked, but there is even more! They also have notebooking pages for each state. They are really like information pages for your child to fill out with places for the state capital, other states that border this state, state abbreviation, state flower, state bird, state animals, etc. PLUS! There are pictures of the state flower and state bird for the student to color in. AND! There are extra pages with all of the state flags in color to be cut out and adhered to a special state flag box on each state's notebook page. They even include a duplicate map with all of the information so mom and dad can make sure all of the blanks are filled in correctly! Here are some examples.

And how much do all of these cost, you might ask? Only...$18.95 for the download version or $19.95 for the CD version! Yes, you read those prices correctly!

Boy, I'm tired and I haven't even described the World Maps yet!

The World Maps are very much like the State Maps but with countries instead of states. They, too, have versions with everything labeled, not labeled and with just the outlines of the countries and continents. But, just like the US set, the World set has so much more. They have maps of ancient Chinese Dynasty, ancient Egypt, ancient Israel, ancient Greece, ancient Rome, and a bunch of other ancients that are so numerous I can't include all of them! PLUS..there are Biblical maps such as maps of Paul's Missionary Journeys and the 12 Tribes of Canaan! AND, there are other historical maps. Take a look and see some of the things that are included.

But of course~and I feel like a TV commercial spokesmen~that is not all! The World Map Set has notebooking pages as well. Over 40 of them to be exact! There are notebooking pages for Holidays, Flora/Fauna, Geography Terms, Explorers, Missionaries, Country Flags...you name it, they have it. Here is a small picture of what is included.

And what is the price for all of this? The same as the US Set...$19.95 for the CD version and $18.95 for the Download version! But, if you act now(here goes my commercial voice again), you can get both sets for just $28.95 for the Download sets or $29.95 for the CD sets! Now, I'm really joking about the commercial voice thing. So many things you buy off of the TV aren't really worth it, but these sets are! But, as usual, don't take my word for it, click on any of the hi-lighted links above or right here to check out the Homeschool In the Woods website. There are so many more things that they sell than these maps so head over and check them out. If you want to see what the other TOS Homeschool Crew members have to say about this product, click here. And, since this is something that both homeschoolers and non-homeschoolers will enjoy, I will close by saying...Happy Home Educating!

As a member of the TOS Homeschool Crew I was given free downloads of their United States Map Set and World Map Set in order to try out and review on my blog.











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Posted by tink38570 at 1:01 AM CDT
Updated: Sunday, 21 March 2010 12:17 AM CDT
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