
Topic: General

I can't believe it! I won one of the great contests that I signed up for. My TOS Crew friend Tristan from Our Busy Homeschool had a contest to give away the remaining eight months of her Hands of a Child super membership because she upgraded to a lifetime membership. Over the weekend she sent me an email saying that I had won! Yesterday the great folks at Hands of a Child contacted me and got my account all set up. I've already downloaded four free products! They are great. I don't know how much a super membership usually costs, but the stuff I have gotten so far is fantastic. They have lapbooks, unit studies...all kinds of things! Check them out by clicking here or on one of the hi-lighted links above for their site. Also, check out Tristan's site by clicking here or her hi-lighted site name above. I'll keep you posted as to any other contests that I find out about so that you can join in the fun. Maybe you'll win one too!