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Families Again
Thursday, 25 March 2010
Men's Monday Meme - Hot Topic Question!
Mood:  a-ok
Topic: Men's Monday Meme


OK. I might be opening this up for some heated discussion, but that's why I call these questions "Hot Topic Questions". I'll get right to the point.

This past week our US congress passed a new health care bill. I won't pretend that I know all about it, but I do know there is a lot of talk going on.

On one side, folks are against it. There argument is that we are going down the road to socialism and/or it will run our national debt up even higher. Some say that the government can't even efficiently run the programs that we have now how do they think they are going to be able to run national health care.

The opposite side claims that those who are against it are just heartless. Wouldn't Jesus want everyone to have health care? Shouldn't the poor have just as much access to health care as the rich? They say that this would ultimately save our country money because there would be less folks using emergency health services at the taxpayers expense.

Question of the week:

What do you think? Is this new health care reform good for our country? Do you agree with one of the above point of views? Why or why not?

Let me remind of the rules:

  1. This is a man's meme, so the answers must be the answers from a man. Either the man can answer on his blog, or a wife can interview her husband for her blog. However, if the wife puts it on her blog, she must stay true to what her husband said.
  2. You are encouraged to put one of the Men's Monday Meme buttons found to the left on your blog. Just copy the code below the button of your choice. The more folks who link, the more readers you may have to visit your blog.
  3. You may answer the question any time during the week up through next Monday. After you answer the question, add the address to your post to the Mr.Linky below. If you could, please only add the direct link to the post to make it easier for readers to find the entry.
  4. My answer along with a new question will be posted next Monday. The new Mr. Linky will be added at midnight Monday night.

And here's the new Mr. Linky:


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Posted by tink38570 at 9:52 PM CDT
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Tuesday, 30 March 2010 - 12:12 PM CDT

Name: "Mark Lucksinger"
Home Page: http://ephesianssix13.blogspot.com

I posted my response to the Men's Meme question. Admittedly, I am not terribly educated on the Health Bill. But I can rant about what I do know!  Smile

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