
Topic: Compassion International
Most of you know that my family is a big fan of Compassion International. We support one child and have four other correspondence children. We love writing to all of our children. They are of different ages and are from very diverse places. Two are from South America - Marcelo (Bolivia) and Feyber (Colombia), one is from Central America - Ismael (Nicaragua), one is from Africa - Emmanuel (Tanzania) and then there is Somi from Indonesia.
Recently I was getting ready to write some letters to my kids and I got on the Compassion website. When I got to the page where their pictures are shown I was very surprised by what I saw. There was a new picture of Somi. They update the pictures every two years and it was time for Somi's to be updated. Here's the new picture:
We got a letter from Somi the other day. We had asked what kind of a house that he lives in. He wrote back that he lives in a traditional Papua (the island that he lives on) home called a Honai. Immediately, the homeschool father in me began to search for pictures of a Honai on the internet. Here is the best one that I could fine.
The round house in the background is actually the type of house that he lives in. Can you imagine? They have wood walls, thatched roofs, and dirt floors. They build a fire in the center of the room that they cook on and they sleep with their heads toward the fire with their feet stretched toward the walls. What a different lifestyle.
Somi is from that lifestyle, but, remember, to be considered for a Compassion project, you have to be the poorest of the poor. I wrote a couple of months ago that the village that Somi lives in just got fresh water within the past year. Before, they had to bring drinking and cooking water from a stream some distance away from the village. It was the same stream that they bathed in and washed their clothes in. This is the work that Compassion does and they do it in Jesus' name.
If you have never considered sponsoring a child through Compassion, won't you pray about it today? If you have prayed about it, what's holding you back? God wants us to be His hands and feet and to go out to a dying world and tell them about Him. This is one way that you can do it. Just click here or on one of the hi-lighted links above for more information.
Updated: Friday, 17 September 2010 11:49 AM CDT
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