
Topic: Homeschool Helps
Unless this is the first time that you have come to my blog, you are well aware that I review homeschool items for The Old Schoolhouse (TOS) Homeschool Crew. Last year was my first year on the crew, and when I was asked to come back again this year, it was a no brainer for me. Not because of all of the great homeschool stuff that I get to review. Yes, that is a perk, but the real reason is because I have grown to love TOS and it's people. They have become more than just co-workers or leaders or bosses, they have become my friends. My lifelong friends. That's just the way that TOS is. It's not a company of cut throat individuals that are just trying to climb the ladder. It's a company of people that have a real heart for homeschooling and for homeschoolers. When you talk to the people at TOS it is like talking to friends over a cup of coffee. And that attitude carries over into everything that TOS does. From the homeschool materials that they produce, to the TOS Homeschool Crew, to the magazine that they produce. All are done with a loving caring attitude.
That's why I was so thrilled to hear about this most recent offer. I always thought that The Old Schoolhouse Magazine was reasonably priced for everything that is packed into each issues, but now the price is unbelievable. From now until September 15, TOS is offering a one year subscription (beginning with the winter issue) of The Old Schoolhouse Magazine for only $7.95. Or, you can add the fall issue to the deal and it will only cost you $12.95. That would be five total jam packed issues for just a little over $2.50 a piece. And, believe me, the TOS Magazine is jam packed. All you have to do is click here to get to the subscription page.
This campaign is cleverly called "A Labor of Love", obviously because of the Labor Day holiday coming up, but, more than that, because the magazine really is a labor of love. If you haven't tried the magazine, now is the time to try it out. I think you'll find out that what I am talking about is true. Just click on the link above to experience The Old Schoolhouse Magazine for yourself!