
Topic: Ministry
I purposely put that title at the top to get your attention. I'm sorry I tricked you, but would you have clicked on this post if I hadn't? Or, would you have just passed it by thinking "Oh that's just Tim again, trying to plug Compassion International". It's not so much that I'm trying to push Compassion International on you all. It's more that I am trying to make you more aware of poverty and the poor. And, it's not even that I am pushing for you to sponsor a child through Compassion. There are children that live in poverty all over the the United States and beyond. Dare I say, probably in your own town. It's easy to ignore them. After all, shouldn't the government take care of them? Aren't they in this condition because of their own mistakes? Perhaps the adults are, but what about the children? And even if the adults are, haven't we all made mistakes? One of the things that Sarah and I have found out by working with the folks that live in the projects is that many of them are generational residents. They're there because they don't know any better. They have never been taught. They just need some help. Not necessarily financial help, but friend help. Someone to talk to, someone who will listen, someone who will teach them, someone who will pray for them. If not for the adults, at least for the children. Will you be that someone? Will you let God lead you? Perhaps He will lead you to help financially. Perhaps He will lead you to pray. Maybe He will even lead you to befriend. I am willing to bet, though, that He won't lead you to be apathetic. Won't you pray about what God would have you to do? Perhaps in your neighborhood? Perhaps in your country? Perhaps around the world? It all starts with a child...It all starts with you.
Updated: Thursday, 12 August 2010 11:02 PM CDT
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