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Families Again
Wednesday, 11 August 2010
Please Pray About What's Really On My Heart!
Mood:  not sure
Topic: The Kids

I always try to write from my heart when I write, and today I have a burden on my heart so that is what I'm going to share with you. Many of you know that our two youngest sons, Joshua - 9 and Jacob - 4, have all kinds of emotional and behavioral problems. I chronicled our journey with Joshua here on the blog. Two years ago he was diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome along with ADHD (a very rare combination). Even before the diagnosis, Joshua was put on Metadate and Clonadine by our family doctor. Although we, of course, would rather our child not be on any medication, it was what God led us to do and the combination seemed to work. For well over three years he has been on the two. We have gradually had to up or adjust the dosages as time went on.

Recently it seems that the Metadate has not been working as well. Joshua has been having many more meltdowns and behavior problems. Sarah has mentioned that it could be the change in schedule and perhaps even the hot and humid days, but we decided to mention it to our doctor. He suggested switching his medications to Strattera. It's supposed to be a non-stimulant which really excited me at first, because stimulants are the things that you want to avoid - aren't they? No, though, since I've been asking about Strattera and doing some research, I am not hearing such favorable comments. One parent said that three weeks into it her seven year old child was saying things like "It would have been better if I wasn't even born". She warned to make sure that we keep an eye on his behavior and if there is any change (other than the desired calmness) to call the doctor immediately and take him off of the medication as they did with their child.

I'm just not sure what to do. Any change in medication really concerns me. Sarah's going to pick up the prescription tomorrow, but I think I am going to tell her to hold off giving it to him for a day or two and let us pray about it. Please pray along with us. It's probably not going to have any side effects, but it is still scary to think about. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Just as a background, we are not on a diet such as gluten free, but we do try to stick to healthy eating habits. Maybe we need to try to go gluten free. It would be a big step for us. Please pray. Thanks!

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Posted by tink38570 at 10:09 PM CDT
Updated: Wednesday, 11 August 2010 10:27 PM CDT
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Thursday, 12 August 2010 - 9:13 AM CDT

Name: "Debbie L"
Home Page: http://www.debbieshomeschoolcorner.blogspot.com

I am praying, Tim.

Thursday, 12 August 2010 - 5:38 PM CDT

Name: "Heather @ Marine Corps Nomads"
Home Page: http://marinecorpsnomads.com

Praying for you all, Tim. 

I really do recommend looking into food allergies and going gluten free.  While it's not easy, I've seen it make such a big difference for so many people.

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