
Topic: Family
Just in case you were wondering, the "Cat" is my wife Sarah who was away for a few days taking care of her mother after some minor surgery and the "Mice" are me, John Allen, Joshua, Jacob along with their friends Justin and Bailey.
Sarah has for ages wanted the carpet in our hallways and living room torn up. There are gorgeous hard wood floors underneath, and ten years of spills and three rambunctious boys running around have taken it's toll on the carpet. So, we decided to take the few days of mommy being away to try our best at pulling it up. Unfortunately, due to therapy schedules and desperately planning for tomorrows grand beginning of homeschool (which still isn't totally planned yet ), we didn't get the living room part done yet. But the hallways are nearly done and boy am I tired. My poor feet are worn out. Now, why my feet should be worn out when I was on my knees half the time I don't know, but they are.
Anyway, Sarah was very pleasantly surprised. She didn't know anything was going on. I really don't know how, because the check card internet ledger kept showing McDonald's and Burger King tabs on it where I was too tired to cook . As soon as the job is totally completed, there will be pictures. I still need to pull up some staples, sand the floor and give it a good shine before it's ready for the grand debut.
On a side note, I will be posting a new Men's Monday Meme question tomorrow, so be ready!
Updated: Sunday, 8 August 2010 10:23 PM CDT
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