
Topic: TOS Crew Blog Hop
I hope that you are all checking out these great TOS Crew blogs. They are really great. I am a bit behind in my blog hopping because of my blog problems, but I will be visiting each and every blog soon. This week we begin with the First Mate blogs. The First Mates are all folks that have been on the crew for more than one year. This is either their second or third year on the crew. Mine will be coming up soon! I'll let you know.
1. Closing Time
2. One Blessed Mamma
3. El Cloud Homeschool: Busy Minds, Busy Hands, Busy Feet
4. Alive in Spirit
5. Ozark Rumblings
6. Army of 5
7. Fenced In Family
8. Debbie's Digest
9. Footprints in the Butter
10. Got Chai?