
Topic: General
I'm the good looking one on the far right !
Well, hopefully I got my blog fixed. For how long I have no idea. Since Families Again has been down for a couple of days, and since I have not idea what might happen next, I thought I would try to play to play catch up on a few things really fast.
- First, I'm not going to put out a new Men's Monday Meme this week. No one has responded to the last one
, so I am just going to leave the same question up for another week. I'm sure it's just the summer heat and the getting ready for back to school that's keeping everyone from joining in
- With all of these blog problems, I'm really thinking about changing blog platforms. I'm not doing it yet, and I'm not sure I will do it at all, but if I do, I will give you plenty of warning so that you can find the new blog. I will probably double post for a couple of weeks so that you all will have a chance to switch over, etc. Like I said, I'm not sure I even will yet, but I'm thinking about it.
- Whether I switch or not, I have a couple of really exciting announcements to make in the near future. One I will make tonight in point number four! So, what is it? Here it is
- I am now, not only reviewing homeschool products for the TOS Homeschool Crew, but I am also reviewing Download-N-Go Unit Studies by Amanda Bennett! I am really excited about this, because Joshua especially likes these studies, and, perhaps the best part, for every study I review, I get to GIVE ONE AWAY! Now that's really exciting!
- Just a small note. You may have noticed that my Money post that I wrote last Sunday was gone for a little while. I had posted it right before my blog went down and thought that it might be the cause of my problems. Well, it wasn't. But I didn't know that. I just reposted it. If you haven't read it yet, please do. I have begun a new category for it called "The Purple Files". If you see a post where "The Purple Files" is the category, you can be assured that it is from the heart, and I have sought God's leading in it - hence the color purple for royalty - God. I hope to insert a "Purple File" post in once a week or so. I feel like that in recent months I have been pulled away from my what I really began my blog for - to share my heart and to allow God to use my blog to help my family and others. I enjoy doing the reviews that I do, but I want God to be central in my blog, and hopefully "The Purple Files" will be a way for that to happen.
That's it for now. Thanks for putting up with all of my blog problems, and, if you would, please pray for God to lead me in what to do, whether to change my blog platform or not.
Updated: Tuesday, 3 August 2010 10:46 PM CDT
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