Mood: cheeky
Topic: Blog Carnivals!
No, I'm not trippin on some drug from the 60's , I'm going on a field trip. A meme field trip. Okay, I know it says a Blog Carnivals in the topic, but Meme's and Carnival's are very similar. Maybe I should change my topic to say Blog Carnivals and Memes.
Anyway, this meme is a field trip meme. It is a great meme to go to if you're looking for a cool place to take your kids on a field trip or just to live vicariously through someone else's adventure and learn about a new and different place. Now, I know that the field trip that I mentioned really isn't a learning field trip, but it was adventerous. Click on the button at the top of the page to find out what my adventure was and to see all of the great fun that some of the others went on. Have fun!