
Topic: TOS Crew Blog Hop
After all, I don't bar hop, so I have to meet new people somehow .
Just kidding!
Actually, I had no idea what blog hopping was until a few months ago. Even, then, I didn't really get into it. Just this past week, however, one of the new TOS Homeschool Crew members suggested doing a "Blog Hop" to get to know all of the other crew member's blogs.
You all know that I am an FM (First Mate) this year on the homeschool crew. That means that I have 5 new crew members that I am kind of mentoring and helping along ~ at least at the beginning until they get their feet wet. Well, the new crew members just began about a week ago and they are a lively bunch. Not only do they like to talk, but there are twice as many folks on the homeschool crew since last year! So, we have twice as much chatter. But, that also means twice as many good ideas.
One of the great ideas that was recommended was to do the Blog Hop. Then, someone suggested publishing the weekly list on our blogs in order for our readers to get to know all of the great homeschool blogs that the folks on this years crew write. I thought it was a great idea and so decided to participate.
I'm a little behind the times, the first list was put out a few days ago, but it really doesn't matter when it is published as long as it is done every week. I'll try to do it around the end of the week every week, though it may not be on Thursday's. Thursday's are generally set aside for my weekly "Thursday's Child" post about Compassion International. If you follow my blog at all, you will know that I am notorious for not posting things on the days that they are supposed to be posted on, and, true to form, I've already posted my Thursday's Child post for the week so I decided to post my TOS Homeschool Crew Blog Hop today!
So, without further adieu, here are this week's great blogs -
1. Reaping a HarvestCheck them out, I think you'll find that they are well worth the read!
2. Pink & Orange Coffee
3. Live, Laugh, Learn!
4. Mrs. Mandy's Musings
5. The Fantastic Five
6. Refined Metals Academy
7. Just A Moment in Time
8. Providence Farm
9. My Journey
10. Petra School
Updated: Thursday, 24 June 2010 8:47 PM CDT
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