
Topic: General
I have been debating what to do since all of the changes have been made on Facebook. For some reason, my blog posts aren't always showing up when I write them. Someone recently suggested adding a Fan Page. Now, I'm not trying to get a big head or anything like that. I don't think I am anyone worthy of having "fans". However, I do know that a few of you do read my blog, and use the Facebook links to keep you updated as to when I post something new. My Fan Page should help to do that. All you have to do is become a member, and, I think, you will be notified of all of my posts since they will all go to the Fan Page. You can also just link to the Fan Page and check it daily to see when I have posted something new. I would love it if you would join, and, if you think that my blog is worthy, invite your friends to join as well. Just press on the Families Again badge above and it will take you to the page. Thanks!
Attention: Boy am I confused. I accidently created a Facebook Group and a Facebook Page. It's the PAGE that I want you to join. If you already joined the group, that's ok, but please press on the picture above again. I've reprogrammed it to go to the right thing now. The new Families Again Facebook Page will have all of the posts for both of my blog conveniently on one page. It should make it easier for those of you who are on Facebook and like to check out my blog periodically. Sorry for the confusion.
Updated: Saturday, 30 January 2010 1:44 AM CST
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