Mood: spacey
Topic: Men's Monday Meme
Ok folks! I'd like to say I'm giving an extension this week because of the great popularity of my new Hot Topic - Men's Monday Meme. Or, that my blogs so busy that the server crashed. Or, I've been invited to speak to congress about homeschooling. BUT...the truth of the matter is...I'm just exhausted!
Today has been one of those days when either the mission phone (it runs into our house) and/or the house phone and/or my cell phone rang at the same time. And, it happened two or three times. We also had to go on rescue missions three times today for mission folks who needed a ride, or whose car broke down. We even got a knock on the door from a guy with a truck load of computer monitors, scanners, and printers, that he wanted to donate to the mission. I haven't checked any of them yet, but he promised they all still worked ! Top that off with a blizzard today, a full day of homeschooling, four loads of laundry, and Jacob not sleeping well and being up half the night and you get a very tiring day. I just don't have it in me to think about my response to the question and post a new question tonight. It will have to wait until tomorrow.
So, it isn't the popularity of my meme or my blog, and it definitely isn't my being called to speak in the congress but you do get an extra 24 hours. I hope you all join in!