Topic: Compassion International
The other day we had great surprise of getting not one but two letters from Marcelo. Here is one of them:
Dear Tim and Family,
Hello. I greet you with much love. I thank you for the letters that you send me, they are beautiful. I want to tell you that it has been raining these weeks and sunny at the same time. It was a fresh weather. Also here at the CDI student center there was a Bible contest and my class won the prize and we were very happy and we shared the prize. I wanted to ask you, do you have Bible contests in your country? Answering your questions, I do have many friends, they are called Raphael, Joel, Carlos and Beymar. They are very good friends because we are together in the good and bad times. I am doing well in school and at home. I will always pray for you. I say goodbye with many hugs and kisses. May the Lord bless you.
Love You,
It is always a joy to get a letter from Marcelo. I am so glad that the $32 a month that we send helps him and his family. Even more so, I am glad for the love that we can give to him and the love that he gives back. Really, I think that he is more of a blessing to us than we are to him.
Our friend Kees, told us of a time where he was visiting La Paz, the same city that Marcelo lives in. As he was entering his hotel one night, he saw three of four boys begging for money. They looked bedraggled and hungry, so he invited them to the hotel restaurant for some food. They were so appreciative. Kees often wonders what happened to them afterward. There are so many kids to help, but Compassion can only take so many. Kees told me one time that Compassion only can take the worst of the worst of the applications.
The worst of the worst. Is that Marcelo? Would Marcelo have ended up on the street like those boys?

It makes me think of Mwende, our Christmas child. She still hasn't found a sponsor. If I cannot find one for her by the end of the month, then her profile will go back to Compassion so that they can find one for her. Would you continue praying for her? I would love to be the one to find a sponsor for her. If you would like more information on Mwende, please let me know. You can leave a comment below, or send an email to me at Thanks for praying.
Updated: Friday, 22 January 2010 11:50 PM CST
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