
Topic: Family
Now, don't get me wrong, I love my boys. Sometimes, however, they drive me up the wall! Today has been one of those days.
We have been doing some homeschool these past few weeks, but we have basically taken about a month off because of all of the activities that go on here at the mission over the holidays, and because of our trip to New Jersey. That is the convenience and advantage of being homeschoolers. We can take a day off here and there if we need to and make it up at another time. We frequently will work over the schools fall and spring breaks. We usually start earlier than public school and almost always go a little later ~ including doing some homeschool over the summer. We can even have homeschool on snow days ~ The Tinkel Acedemy never closes.
The downfall of taking a month off, though, is the day that we have to get back into the whole routine. You can tell where I'm going here, can't you? Yep! Today was the first day back and it was a doozy! John Allen's sleep habits are a mess. He absolutely didn't want to get up in this morning. He struggled all morning and didn't end up getting a lot done. Part of the reason was that Tuesday's is also Bible Club days, so my time is divided between getting ready for Bible Club and homeschooling. Joshua was a little better and got done with three-fourths of his assignments.
I really should have pushed the issue more, but today was just too busy of a day. And, I had already done enough fussing, etc. It isn't working, and I know it. That's why we are getting a little extra advice - I think I mentioned that the other day, but, I'm not going to divulge what it is yet. In the meantime, tomorrow is another day.