Mood: chillin'
Topic: BCM International
One of my New Year's resolutions was to set aside one blog day a week to tell you about our ministry at Good News Ministries and about the ministry of the mission that we are under BCM International. I am planning for Sundays to be that day. I have already shared three short videos about BCM's core ministries, but today I wanted to be a little more focused as to one thing that BCM does.
Although BCM is a small mission compared to some, it does a tremendous work with disaster relief and special projects. About three years ago, Christmas day 2007 to be exact, Hindu radicals destroyed many Christian churches and the homes of many Christians in Orrissa, India. As you will see in the following video, the Christian's there continue to be persecuted. This video will tell you a little about what BCM is doing to help the persecuted Christians there.