Topic: Men's Monday Meme
Do you make New Year's resolutions? If not, why not? If so, what are they?
In years past I have made New Year's resolutions. Sometimes they are just casual thoughts, sometimes they are more thought out. This year is one of those years where I have thought about it a little more than usual.
Interestingly enough, this is the first New Year's after a full year of blogging and some of my New Year's resolutions have to do with blog posts that I have read or blog challenges that have been made. After some mulling in my mind, I have narrowed down my list into five areas. Some could possibly overlap, and all are broad, so they need to be broken down into manageable steps, but here they are.
Spend more time in prayer and Bible reading. - You would think, that as a full time missionary, these things should be down pat. In reality, though, missionaries are just like any ordinary Christian and unfortunately, we often fall short in these areas like many Christians do. That's one of the reasons why I have committed myself to the "New through 30 - New Testament in 30 Days" challenge starting next Monday. I am really excited about it and hope that you will join me. Just click here to go to the official New Through 30 website. Along with the Bible reading, I would like to begin a prayer journal. I have begun them in the past, but they have always ended up being put to the side and eventually forgotten about. I would really like to begin and continue with one this year.
- Spend more quality time with my family. - I think that I do spend more time with my family than the average Joe. After all, the mission is attached to our house, and we do homeschool. I would like, however, to spend more "daddy" time with my kids and "hubby" time with my wife. So often, the time spent with my family is scheduled time. Time to homeschool. Time to go to therapy. Time to drive to practice. There really isn't time just for the kids. I would like to plan some time that I just do something with my kids with no strings attached. Individually and as a family. Along with that, I would like to plan times with Sarah. Reinstitute the date night that we used to have, and, perhaps, begin doing some daily things together. Prayer would be at the top of the list, but exercising, walking, sitting down with a cup of coffee together - are all possibilities.
Spend more time praying, planning and implementing my ministry at Good News Mission. - Since God has narrowed our focus to working just with Good News Mission, we have seen the mission and it's ministries really flourish. Sometimes God has to get our attention in painful ways because we refuse to heed his voice. That's what He has done over the past couple of years, and I don't want Him to have to repeat those lessons. I have not been this happy with my ministry and my life in a long time. It hasn't always gone smoothly, but we prayerfully try to keep God in the center, and He is blessing.
- Eat right and exercise. - I wrote a post a few months ago that never got published on my blog. It was an introductory post on how Sarah and I were trying to eat healthier. Although the article was never posted, we are still trying to watch what we consume. I will hopefully write something about that soon. We also would both like to exercise more. There is an exercise challenge that I would like to join, and I will probably be blogging about that real soon as well.
- Clean the house and my office and get organized. - Still another challenge that I heard about this week and am going to sign up for. I will be blogging about that really soon. A less than clean and unorganized house effects everything that we do. You can't live, work, homeschool ... anything...with a dirty, messy house. As I said, I am going to join a challenge soon, that will explain the plan. Stay tuned.