
Topic: Politics
We should always be in prayer for the government officials - local, state and national, but in light of the fact that a major mid-term election is just around the corner I feel we should especially be in prayer for our great nation. Although I have delved into politics occasionally, the purpose of this blog has never been political. However, my blog has always been pro-family and especially pro Christian family. I feel that most of my readers are of the same persuasion. That is why I want to remind all of my readers to be vigilant in prayer for the upcoming elections. I, myself, am praying for the candidates that are pro-God, pro-family and pro-constitution. I am not going to try to get you to vote for one candidate or another but I do think that prayer is the key to keeping our country great. I don't know what's going to happen one, five or ten years down the road, but God does. Let's pray that God will raise up strong Christian rulers that, like our founding fathers, will continue to strengthen our land.