
Topic: General
I have just come from a most awesome weekend. I have to admit, I have been to dozens if not 100's of retreats, camps, conferences, etc. Remember, I was once a program director at a camp! This past weekend was one of, if not the best, retreat that I have ever been on. It's called The Walk to Emmaus. It's not really a retreat mind you. It's really hard to explain. You just have to experience it yourself. I will be blogging much more about the things that I have learned over the next few weeks (months, years) I'm sure, but, for now, check out the video below and then visit their website by clicking on the hi-lighted link above. They hold them all over the United States...really, all over the world. Check out the video and website and experience a blessing that you will never forget!
An Introduction to Walk to Emmaus, The Upper Room from Beth Richardson on Vimeo.