
Topic: Men's Monday Meme

Me? Falling apart? Never! ~ Oops. My bifocals just fell off. There we go...back to the message at hand.
Now come on ladies! I am almost the oldest one here and there is nothing wrong with me at all. ~ Hold on a minute..."What's that Sarah? My hearing aid is buzzing again? Sorry."
I mean, come on, I'll never grow old. ~ Just a second while I switch back is killing me.
I'm glad that we are going to have new bodies in Heaven. Some folks sure need them...not me, though, you don't know how many people compliment me on my good... ~ Oh, I'm getting tired of this phone ringing all day long...or maybe it's that blasted ringing in my head...I never can tell the difference...hold on a minute..."Hello?" *Pause* "No I was not the person who sent my picture in to the rat poison company!" *Pause* "No you may not use it in your experimental study on nonpoisonous ways to kill rodents! Goodbye!"
I'm telling you. The nerve of some people. ~ Now, where was I? I forgot. Sarah says I'd forget my head if it wasn't attached. ~ Oh yeah. Old age. Like I said. I'll never grow old.
Gotta go ladies. I'll talk to you later. Time to take my supplements and meds.iTm...I mean Tim... Blasted fingers. Don't know why they aren't typing like they used to?!
Despite my funny response, the whole conversation got me to thinking about how I really feel about getting old. I mean, I'm almost 50 years old, and, believe it or not, the AARP has been sending me mail asking me to join. I got one just today. A trial membership card that they wanted me to activate. I wanted to yell at the letter..."I'm only 49! Don't you have to be 55 or 60 before you can become a member of the AARP?" I'm not really sure how I feel about it. Which leads me to my new Men's Monday Meme question.
How do you feel about getting old? Do you relish it? Hate the thought? Are you somewhat scared? Give me your thoughts.
Here are the rules:
And here's the new Mr. Linky: