
Topic: The Kids
Notice my mood says "accident prone", but it really isn't me that is the accident prone one it is Joshua, our middle child. If you follow me on Facebook you will know that Joshua was in the "Forbidden Forest" behind our house. The kids are not allowed in it because of all of the trash that has been dumped in there over the years. Well, you guessed it, sure enough Joshua went back there and stepped on a piece of glass. Three stitches and a tetanus shot later, he is back home with a bandaged foot (pictures of said foot will be posted soon). Hopefully he, his brothers and the neighbor kids have learned their lesson.
I always hate it when one of the kids get hurt. I guess I have the father syndrome that wants to protect my family and hates it when something happens that is out of my control. I was probably as nervous as Joshua was...and that is pretty bad. Sarah said that he was brave for the most part.
Please be in prayer for the next couple of weeks. It is going to be hard to keep our hyper child down and off his foot. Your prayers are coveted. As I said, I will post pictures soon.