
Topic: Ministry
Some days it's not easy being a missionary...
Some days it's not easy being a husband...
Some days it's not easy being a Christian...
Some days life is just hard...
Today was one of those days.
Sarah has been away tending to a sick grandmother for a few days. It was a tough couple of days for her.
Then, she gets home and the house is a mess. The boys and I hadn't done our part to help out. So, she's upset that the house is a mess.
Then she has to run all over creation getting ready for a baby shower that the mission is hosting for a girl from the projects.
She's tired from the mission of mercy she's been on; angry about the house; and frustrated because there is so much to do. This does not make for a very happy momma.
Finally the shower begins. Most of the guests are from the low income housing area that we serve with a few of the girls family members.
But, lo and behold, who should walk in, but two ladies from a large local church that just happen to be acquainted with the girl. And, of course, what should they do upon entering the mission? They open all of the doors and look in every room.
They look in the nursery...thank goodness that's straightened up.
They look in my office...the office that I never use...the office that's basically used for storage of teaching materials...the office that is overflowing and a mess right now.
They look in the storage room...the one that the ladies are working on organizing...the one that is also a mess.
They look in the kitchen...the kitchen that the ladies have been cooking in all morning...the kitchen that the ladies cooked in the night before for a birthday party that we had for one of the ladies that attends the mission...the kitchen that was used the night before that for another birthday party.
Oh...and did I mention that this church that they attend is one of our supporting churches? Sarah calls me up soon after they arrive and is in tears.
Did they sit down and talk with Sarah about the ministries that we have here at the mission? Did they ask how are children's program is doing, or the ladies cooking class, or the Sunday meal and Bible Study that we have? Did they mingle with the people and ask what the mission means to them? No. One lady left before the food was served, the other lady left right after eating.
Thank goodness that another lady from that church was there. A lady that is our treasurer and is on our board. A lady that knows us well and knows our limitations and strengths and is always supportive. Hopefully she will smooth things over if there is anything said.
I know that by writing all of this, I am having a very judgmental spirit myself. And, I know it is wrong. Let me apologize right now for my spirit that is out of fellowship. I did however say that I would be real on my blog. I said that I would tell it like it is and tell how I really feel. Well, this is how I really feel right now. After I close my laptop, I need to stop, drop, and pray. But...
Some days it's not easy being a missionary...
Some days it's not easy being a husband...
Some days it's not easy being a Christian...
Some days life is just hard.
Updated: Saturday, 6 March 2010 11:18 PM CST
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