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Families Again
Thursday, 3 December 2009
I Can't Believe It! I Won!
Mood:  surprised
Topic: General

   I won in the Best Homeschool Dad Blog Category of the Homeschool Blog Awards!

Apparently there was some error in the tabulation of the votes! They had to count the hanging chads Laughing. Really, I am thrilled. I found myself reading the other nominated blogs and learning from them. Some of their blogs look so much better. I was just happy to be among them. Soon, on The Homeschool Blog Post, they will post all of the blogs that were nominated. Please continue to visit them. They are great!

Thank you all for voting for me! And, thanks goes to The Homeschool Blog Post for having these awards and for all of the hard work that they put into them every year. Thanks also to all of the companies that donated prizes.

I will keep you posted as to what the prizes are that I won. I know that there are a couple of magazine subscriptions, and one of those neat pictures where an artist takes a photo and then repaints it on canvas. Since all of my readers were so instrumental in voting for me, I will let you all know what else as I learn about them.



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Posted by tink38570 at 11:15 PM CST
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