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Families Again
Saturday, 1 January 2011
What's Your New Year's Resolution?
Mood:  a-ok
Topic: General

I've been convicted lately. I have been challenging the folks at the mission and my Compassion International kids to pray more and to read the Bible more. It's time for them to take the next step in their relationship with the Lord. Then God spoke to my heart. I've been challenging others, but where has my relationship with the Lord been? Oh, I read my Bible regularly...well maybe occasionally...and I do pray daily...that much is true...but has it been deep prayer? And could I be doing more reading? The answer is no and yes. No it hasn't been deep prayer and yes I could read more.

So, what am I going to do about it? Well, if you read about the challenge that I gave to the folks of Good News Mission, then you know what I'm going to do about the prayer. But what about the Bible reading? Well, I prayed about the 90 day challenge but just did not feel right about it. Then, I heard about a website that had all kinds of reading plans. From plans where you read through the Bible in months or even years, to theme plans, to New Testament plans, to more! There is a plan for everyone - young or old. I chose the Bible in a year plan. Please pray with me as I endeavor to honor the Lord in my daily prayer life and Bible reading.

What about you? Here's the link to YouVersion the great reading plan site that has a plan for everyone. And here's the link to the prayer challenge that I gave. Why don't you challenge yourself this year. Ask God what He wants you to do this year and let me know. Let's pray for each other as we work together to further God's kingdom. 

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Posted by tink38570 at 7:22 PM CST
Updated: Saturday, 1 January 2011 7:31 PM CST
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Wednesday, 29 December 2010
Somebody konk me on the head while they still can!
Mood:  d'oh
Topic: General

Well, after my two month rest from posting every day, I've decided to get back to work again and make another pledge to post something every day for a year.  This years run will start January first, so it will be easier to keep track of. It really wasn't that hard to do last time around. It was just getting into the habit of doing it that was difficult. I do enjoy blogging. So, folks, get ready for a wild year. I'll be reviewing products, hosting giveaways, talking about family, ministry, BCM International, Compassion International, and all sorts of things. It should be fun! 

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Posted by tink38570 at 11:24 PM CST
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Saturday, 25 December 2010


Merry Christmas

to all of my readers, friends and family!

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Posted by tink38570 at 8:36 PM CST
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Wednesday, 22 December 2010
In the Valley of the Jolly - HO HO HO - Green Giant!
Mood:  a-ok
Topic: General

I'm not one to commercialize Christmas, but this video did bring back some good memories. Besides, Green Giant is a good brand. Enjoy!




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Posted by tink38570 at 12:08 PM CST
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Monday, 20 December 2010
Another Tinkel Prayer Letter has Been Published
Mood:  a-ok
Topic: Ministry

Sarah, my hard working wife, has just sent out another prayer letter about our ministry here in Tennessee. In the past, I have published our prayer letters on our prayer letter blog and just mentioned that there was a new one on this blog. Well, I've decided that I'm going to publish them on both blogs. Since most of my readers read this blog, then this is the most logical place to publish it. I'm going to continue putting it on the prayer letter blog so that anyone that wants to read all of our past prayer letters can do so without having to sort through all of my blog postings to find them. You can find my prayer letter blog link in the left column of this blog. Thanks and here's the new letter.

"The king will answer them, 'I can guarantee this truth: Whatever you did for one of my brothers or sisters, no matter how unimportant [they seemed], you did for me.'        

                                                                                               Matthew 25:40 (God’s Word Translation)   (1995)


Greetings in Jesus,

Praying that this finds you being blessed and having a great day!! The Tinkels have been doing pretty good. It is hard to believe that another year is almost gone. When I think back over this past year I am amazed at all God has done for us and how big He has shown himself. It has been a great year of ministry. Our numbers have increased with new families and the spiritual growth of my ladies has blessed me in their understanding of who God is in their lives. This past weekend we had our Holiday Meal in which we served 210-230 individuals! When we delivered food to the shut ins the look on their faces made our day. We were so blessed to be able to be Jesus’ hands, feet and words. One of my ladies, who helped deliver the food, kept saying what a good time she was having and how she loved seeing the look on the people’s faces.  We want to say a special thank you to all of those who helped, donated, gave, etc. toward our Holiday Meal. God blessed it and He especially blessed Tim, me and my ladies. Thank you for co laboring with us in this endeavor. You reap the blessings as much as we do.

We have had a lot of health issues with Jacob over the last few months. We found out that he has a type of bone degeneration on the bone that fits into his hip socket and that one leg is longer than other (come to find out all three boys have one leg that is longer than the other). This is what is causing him to be in so much pain, especially at night.  We were supposed to go to Vanderbilt to see the orthopedic on the 14th but a major snow storm came and we had to cancel. Our new appointment is 1/25/11. Please be in prayer with us that we can find out what needs to be done with Jacob to alleviate the pain that he is in. Pray that we can get in sooner to see the doctor and get something done quickly. John Allen and Joshua are getting excited about the new year of competitive BB gun shooting that will start in January. Tim and I are busy home schooling, Bible studies, running the Mission and taking kids to therapies. God is so good and faithful and we praise Him for allowing us to serve Him where He has placed us. We are greatly and richly blessed at what God is doing in our lives and the part you have in it.

Please be in prayer for our extended families. Tim’s mom has had some major health issues and at one point we thought we were going to have to take an emergency trip to New Jersey. She is doing better now and we pray that within the next month or two we will be able to go and visit with her. My mom has been in the hospital twice in the last month due to heart issues. I have had to make trips to Oak Ridge, TN in order to help her and my grandmother, who she takes care of. My sister and niece in the last year have gone through some major life changes that have been very difficult for both of them. With Tim and I being the “spiritual leaders” in our families, when things fall apart or go wrong, we are the ones that everyone calls. Not only do we have our ministries here in Livingston but our families are our ministries as well. We at times get overwhelmed and tired with so many pulling us in different directions but God has blessed our obedience and our faithfulness.

Please be in prayer for our support. Over the last year we have lost some supporters. We have also gained a few, but not enough to fill in the gap. Pray that God would raise up a remnant of faithful financial and prayer supporters in addition to the ones that He has already provided. We are in need of an extra $400+ a month. Any money that is sent in to BCM Intl. for us is tax deductible. If you would like to know more information about our ministries please contact us. We would love to share our hearts with you at what God is doing in our lives and different ministries. If you would like to know how you can become a prayer or financial supporter we would love to share that as well.

Thank you for your prayers, giving, encouragement etc. We are blessed and greatly appreciate what you do on our behalf. May God richly bless you this Christmas and in the New Year.

Hearts GREATLY blessed,

Sarah & Tim Tinkel

Sarah & Tim Tinkel                                               BCM International, Inc.

829 Hi Tech Drive                                                 201 Granite Run Drive Suite 260

Livingston, TN 38570                                           Lancaster, PA 17601

Tim – Tink38570@yahoo.com                           1-888-226-4685

Sarah – set1993@gmail.com                             bcmintl.org


Account #0642

Tim's Blog - tink38570.angelfire.com/familiesagain




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Posted by tink38570 at 10:38 PM CST
Updated: Tuesday, 21 December 2010 11:53 PM CST
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