Poverty - It's all Around Us
Topic: Ministry
Poverty is all around us. It's in our town. It's in our state. It's in our country. It's on our continent. It's in our world.
We can't get away from it. I know. I work with it every day. I see the children. I hear the adults. I know their struggles. Some struggle because of their own faults. Some struggle because of no fault of their own. Some were raised that way and they know nothing better. They don't know how to get out.
It's no different anywhere in the world.
I'm a firm believer in helping those around us first. It's so easy to go on a missions trip to some foreign country, but then look the other way when you pass the low income housing area in your own town. I like this verse in the Bible:
"But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth." Acts. 1:8 (NIV)
You need to begin where you are - your Jerusalem. Then go out from there until you reach the "ends of the earth".
Not everyone can physically go to the ends of the earth. Some are called to stay. Some are called to send. Some are called to go. However, we should all do something to help in all areas.
Sarah and I try to live that way. We direct Good News Mission here at home. We travel to other areas to work with other missionaries. We sponsor children with Compassion International.
I know that everyone can't do the things that we do. You have jobs. You have a life. You may not be financially or physically able.
I don't have all of the answers, but I can give opportunities.
Right before Christmas I found out about "Bead for Life". It's a fantastic organization that works in Uganda training impoverished women (and some men) to make beautiful beads out of paper that are then made into jewelry and sold all around the world. It's hard to explain, so let me show you this great video:
Don't you love it? These ladies are finding a way out! They've been given a chance. As I said before, not all of us can pledge to financially give monthly to support a child with Compassion International, but, could you buy a necklace? What about earrings or a bracelet? How about shea butter soap or lip balm?
Almost all ladies where jewelry. Sarah does. I bought her some earrings that look just like this for Christmas.
Sarah loves them. What a great way to help release folks from poverty and receive something beautiful and useful as well. Oh, and by the way, they partner with Compassion International so, in a way, you are helping them too! And, don't think the price will be too high. Bracelet's can cost as little as $5.00! These earrings - only $10.00. A bar of Shea butter soap or lip balm is just $4.00. And shipping and handling is low as well!
Have I convinced you yet? Why don't you check out the Bead for Life website by clicking here to find out more about the organization. Then click here to get to the store and check out their beautiful products. Thanks for helping!
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