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Families Again
Monday, 3 January 2011
We Interrupt This Program to Give You The Following Special Report!
Mood:  don't ask
Topic: General


What would I be blogging about tonight if I were at home? If is the key word here. It seems that there is something wrong with our brakes and we are stuck at Grandma's house.

Not the worst place to be stuck. I do enjoy it here. We did have to miss two doctor's visits today for two of the boys. We canceled therapy tomorrow because we aren't home. We are expecting a couple of letters from a couple of our Compassion International kids. I didn't bring a single homeschool book with me because I thought we would be back by today. We had to cancel Bible Club for tomorrow at the mission because we didn't know if we could get home. Come to think of it, maybe I'm not so happy we are stuck here.

Don't worry. I know. God has a reason for everything. I'm not really complaining too loudly. If I were my font might be something more along this line. After all, things could be a lot worse. We could be stuck in a motel someplace - at least we have Grandma's nice comfortable house to stay in. We could have no vehicle to get around in at all - at least we have Grandma's van to get places if we need to. We could be broke - we aren't rich but God has supplied us with some extra money this month. We could have not caught the brakes until something serious happened - at least we are all safe. Thank you Lord for caring for us and supplying for all of our needs.

So, what would I be blogging about if I were at home. Well, to be quite honest. I have a review for the TOS Homeschool Crew due today. Obviously if I didn't bring a single homeschool book with me, I don't have the item we are supposed to be reviewing. I could probably write the review without the item, but it wouldn't be a really good one. We actually have a couple of days grace period if, for some reason, we can't get a review done right on the exact day that we are supposed to so I have a little wiggle room. I'm hoping we get home before the grace period is up so please don't tell Brenda or Heidi from TOS yet! Ssshhhhhhh! I promise it will get done!

So, what has your day been like? How has God blessed you today? What are some prayer requests that you have? Remember, before complaining, to count your blessings. Things might not be fun, but if you begin to think about all of the ways that God has provided and blessed then it takes a little of the sting away. Don't forget - God is good all of the time! Talk to you again tomorrow.

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Posted by tink38570 at 8:51 PM CST
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Sunday, 2 January 2011
My Diatribe - Take it or Leave it!
Mood:  not sure

Okay! Before I begin the diatribe let me tell you right up front. I love animals. We have two cats and a dog that we adore. In fact, even as I write this, our dog is asleep beside me. I hate animal abuse. I will speak out against it if I see it. I wanted to be a zoo keeper when I was little. God created all things and I think we should care for them. I think pets are a very useful part of society. Have I made myself clear. I love animals!

Now, for the diatribe part. I get angry at animal cruelty commercials on television. It's not that I think that something shouldn't be done for the animals, it's just that I like to put things into perspective. I like to prioritize things. When I see those animal commercials do you know what I see?

  • I see the faces of our Compassion International kids - Marcelo, Feyber, Somi, Emmanuel and Ismael.
  • I see the pictures of the people that BCM International, our mission agency, is helping all around the world.
  • I see the folks that we minister to in the projects of the small town that we live in.
  • I see hungry children in Africa.
  • I see slums in South America.
  • I see the poor that live in the inner cities of America.
  • I see children and adults that live in financial poverty and spiritual poverty all over the world.

And I wonder.

  • I wonder how many folks that see these commercials see the same things that I do.
  • I wonder how many folks really care about others.
  • I wonder how much money these celebrities give to help their fellow man compared to how much they give to help their four legged friends.
  • I wonder why I read and hear folks talking about saving the whales and saving the trees and saving our planet and then, when confronted with poverty, they answer that it's their own faults. The world is overpopulated anyway. They're using our natural resources and destroying the planet.
  • I then sit and wonder if I'm wrong. Am I the one that's not getting it?

Even as I sit here and type this there is that twinge of doubt. I worry that maybe I'm taking this too far. Until I see video's like this:


Yes, there are those that give to both human and animal humane agencies. Yes, there is a place for animal activists. Somehow, though, I wonder if the scales are tilted the wrong way. Do we spend enough resources and enough time helping children and adults who, by no fault of their own, were born someplace outside of the great United States?

Do you realize how lucky you are to have been born in this great country or in another wealthy area of the world? God could just as easily have plopped you into a family that lives in a village of Indonesia that still gets its drinking water from the same river that they wash their clothes and bathe in. Or maybe a family that lives in a mosquito/malaria infected part of Africa. Perhaps He could have put you in a family that lives in a cardboard box at the edge of a garbage dump in South America.   

I know. I know. Now I'm beginning to sound like one of those commercials. Now I'm the one laying on the guilt. I don't mean to. I really don't care if you give to an animal activist group. That's your business anyway. I only ask that think about balancing your giving. Try to think of humans. Oh, we could discuss whether or not it's their fault that they are in the situation they are in. That's all for another post. I can tell you, though, that no one picks the family that they were born in. No one picks the village or the conditions that they were born into. If you think the adults can get out of the situation they are in, remember that the children can't. Think of them. Give to and help charities or organizations of your choice. If you need some ideas, click on one of the hi-lighted links above.

Thanks for reading my diatribe. I really do hope that you all have a fantastic new year! 


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Posted by tink38570 at 8:53 PM CST
Updated: Sunday, 2 January 2011 10:00 PM CST
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Saturday, 1 January 2011
What's Your New Year's Resolution?
Mood:  a-ok
Topic: General

I've been convicted lately. I have been challenging the folks at the mission and my Compassion International kids to pray more and to read the Bible more. It's time for them to take the next step in their relationship with the Lord. Then God spoke to my heart. I've been challenging others, but where has my relationship with the Lord been? Oh, I read my Bible regularly...well maybe occasionally...and I do pray daily...that much is true...but has it been deep prayer? And could I be doing more reading? The answer is no and yes. No it hasn't been deep prayer and yes I could read more.

So, what am I going to do about it? Well, if you read about the challenge that I gave to the folks of Good News Mission, then you know what I'm going to do about the prayer. But what about the Bible reading? Well, I prayed about the 90 day challenge but just did not feel right about it. Then, I heard about a website that had all kinds of reading plans. From plans where you read through the Bible in months or even years, to theme plans, to New Testament plans, to more! There is a plan for everyone - young or old. I chose the Bible in a year plan. Please pray with me as I endeavor to honor the Lord in my daily prayer life and Bible reading.

What about you? Here's the link to YouVersion the great reading plan site that has a plan for everyone. And here's the link to the prayer challenge that I gave. Why don't you challenge yourself this year. Ask God what He wants you to do this year and let me know. Let's pray for each other as we work together to further God's kingdom. 

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Posted by tink38570 at 7:22 PM CST
Updated: Saturday, 1 January 2011 7:31 PM CST
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Wednesday, 29 December 2010
Somebody konk me on the head while they still can!
Mood:  d'oh
Topic: General

Well, after my two month rest from posting every day, I've decided to get back to work again and make another pledge to post something every day for a year.  This years run will start January first, so it will be easier to keep track of. It really wasn't that hard to do last time around. It was just getting into the habit of doing it that was difficult. I do enjoy blogging. So, folks, get ready for a wild year. I'll be reviewing products, hosting giveaways, talking about family, ministry, BCM International, Compassion International, and all sorts of things. It should be fun! 

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Posted by tink38570 at 11:24 PM CST
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Saturday, 25 December 2010


Merry Christmas

to all of my readers, friends and family!

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Posted by tink38570 at 8:36 PM CST
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