Don't Be A Scrooge - Buy Travel Kits!
Topic: Homeschool Product Review

The Ghost of Travels Past: Do you remember this Tim? It was on one of your family's trips to your grandfather's house.
~~~~Mom, can I have another sandwich? Those are delicious. What? Oh, of course I will wait until you pour another cup of coffee for Dad. I just love the smell of the coffee in the car. I can't wait until we stop at the Howard Johnson plaza on the turnpike. I just love the little toys that they have in the vending machines there. Shhhh...David, you remember that we're going to surprise Mom and buy her another blue crystal piece from the gift shop. Don't say anything. I just love traveling in the car. The trucks passing us, the smell of the coffee, my soft pillow. They all just of soft, peaceful, snoring)~~~~
The Ghost of Travels Present: Ah yes. You've grown up and have a family of your own. Three active boys. Do you recall this trip?
####Boys, calm down! You know how nervous I get when your mother is driving. Why don't you put on another movie? # Yes, I know that you've watched every movie three times, but watch them again. # Joshua, stop kicking your brother. If you guys are good for another half an hour I'll give you something from the goody bag. # Shhh. Sarah! Yes I know we gave out the last thing an hour ago, but we have to stop for gas sometime soon. I'll buy a pack of donuts or something. # Yes, I know it will sugar them up, but if it keeps them quiet for right now I'm all for it.####
The Ghost of Travels Future: Look at those little darlings. Aren't they sweet. Just take a look at what could happen if you bought the Travel Kits Ebook from TOS?
****Okay kids. It's time to open another package from your Travel kit. What? You want to finish your card game first? Well all right. What's Jacob doing? Good, he's busy playing on his new Magna Doodle. You guys have been so good on this trip. I'm so glad I bought that Ebook, Travel Kits, from The Old Schoolhouse****

Well, I do have strange dreams like that sometimes, but that is a matter for another post. In reality, I didn't have a dream about the ghosts of travel past, present and future. And, the idea of giving gifts to kids throughout a trip to keep them occupied is not foreign to us. We have done that in the past. But, I like the ideas in Donna Rees' ebook, Travel Kits, much better than anything I could have thought up.
What are travel kits? They are really neat gift packages that you buy ahead of time and wrap up to be given to children (and sometimes adults) to keep them occupied throughout a trip. A travel kit could have a theme. Perhaps you have a child that likes Western things, so you buy small western items for him or her. Or it may be just some random items that are just fun for that age child. A travel kit can be expensive ~ CD's, DVD's and the such ~ or it can be inexpensive ~ dollar store items. You can even include things, like library books or library books on tape, that don't cost any money at all. Donne Rees does an excellent job of explaining everything and giving wonderful suggestions.
The chapters range from explanation:
- The Plan
- The Presentation and Distribution
- The Package
- The Presents
To elaboration:
A Little More Detail About Edible Gifts
A Lot More Detail About Books and Stories
A Little More Detail About Games
To even more excitement:
- More Inspirations!
- The Payoff.
- Variations of a Theme

And those are just some of the great chapters! The author has thought of everything. She gives suggestions for boys and girls of all ages. She talks about how to give the gifts and how often to give them. She covers ways to use these gifts to keep the peace in the car. She even talks about theme gifts like buying miniature toy pigs from a supply store to be wrapped along with the book "Charlotte's Web". How creative can you get.
But that's not all. She also gives advice for giving Travel Kits as a gift to a family that is going on a road trip or vacation. What a ministry that would be. Inexpensive gifts to families with kids to help the trip go more smoothly! In fact, the official name of this ebook is "Travel Kits - A Simple Way to Bless Others"!
She even gives suggestions for how to bless mom and dad and how to make sure the family remembers this trip for a lifetime. For example - If you buy a book for the family to read aloud along the way, make sure that they take a picture of their vacation and tape it inside the front cover along with everyone's signature and a brief description of the trip. Years from now, that family will always remember that trip and it will bring a smile to their faces when they see that book.
And these are only a fraction of what ideas that are listed in Donna Rees' ebook but you'll have to get it to see what other great things she suggests. Don't fret though. Another great thing about the ebook is the price ~ only $12.45 for this over 90 page ebook packed with fantastic ideas. To order, just click here or on any one of the hi-lighted links above. You can also find out more about what the other TOS Homeschool Crew members thought by clicking here. Happy Traveling!
As a member of the TOS Homeschool Crew I was given a free download of TOS's Travel Kits ebook to try out and review on my blog.
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